3. Shinigami

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Kii chortled and set the journal down beside her, "As if it's real."

"Human, I can clarify that this note is indeed real."

Kii gasped and fell backwards off her bed staring at the thing in fear. When she spoke aloud to herself the last thing she was expecting was a response.


"W-what are you!?" Kii asked staring at the skeletal thing that had long spinal cord-like arms and bone-like skin.

"My name is Rem, I am a Shinigami. The rules that are in the notebook that is in your possession are not fake."

Kii slightly calmed down and grabbed the Death Note, regaining her posture, "Shinigami? You mean like a 'death-god'?" Kii used finger quotations around 'death-god'.

"Yes. And the notebook you hold is now yours." Rem replied pointing a boney finger at the journal Kii was holding.

Kii examined the Death Note carefully as if it was going to attack her, "So.. how did it become mind then?"

"I knew a Shinigami by the name Gelus. The Shinigami Gelus, had cared for a human girl. Gelus sacrificed himself to kill the human girl's destined murder. In doing so he was reduced to dust, leaving only his Death Note. I delivered this Death Note to you, since it was your life he saved. I chose last night to do so because it seemed like the right time." Rem explained recalling the day it happened.

Kii's eyes widened in realization, "When I was nine, we were robbed by a gang. My dad was murdered by a them and they kidnapped my mother and I. But then they suddenly started attacking each other until they were all dead. So that means Gelus rescued my mother and I?"

Rem kept the same emotionless look on her purple-skinned face and nodded, "Yes. I wouldn't understand why though. Humans are disgusting creatures."

Kii felt angered but was too scared to confront the Shinigami so she just ignored it. Kii opened her mouth to speak but was cut off as her mom knocked on her bedroom door, "Kii, we have guests. So please finish up what you're doing and come down stairs."

Kii turned to Rem with a panicked look but Rem remained steady, "It's okay. Only humans who touch your Death Note can see and hear me. I'd be careful where you place your Death Note."

Kii mentally noted Rem's words and shoved her Death Note between her bed and boxspring. Kii went over to her mirror-dresser and checked her appearance. Giving herself the 'okay' she looked at Rem, "They really won't see you?"

Rem nodded making Kii feel a little more relaxed. Kii walked out of her room and down stairs with Rem floating behind her.

"Sweetie! You remember the Yagami's, don't you?"

Kii shook her head slowly staring at the light haired boy from earlier who wore the same shocked expression.

"Light, you remember Kii don't you? You two were childhood friends. You'd always come home with a cute little blush on your cheeks, talking about your crush on-." Light sent his mom a look of annoyance causing her to stop talking and break into a fit of giggles along with a little girl.

"I'm Sayu!"

Kii smiled at Sayu wishing she had a little sister, "Nice to meet you Sayu."

Light's mom and Kii's mother both started chatting up making all the kids feel a bit awkward and out of place. Kii glanced back at Rem who was staring at the door behind Light.

Okay then.

"So, where's Soichiro?"

"Oh he's at work. They've got some big case or something. Where did you get your doormat by the way? It's nice."

"It came with the house. How has your gardening been doing?"

Kii zoned out the rest of their conversation as did the other two.

"Hey Kii, can I see your room?" Sayu asked excitedly. Kii wanted to say no but before she could her mom intervened, "Great idea! Kii, you should show Light and Sayu your art! It's very beautiful. I don't know where she got her talent from."

Kii mentally groaned and trudged up the stairs with Sayu and Light. Kii entered her room first followed by Sayu and Light.

"Can I see the art your mom was talking about?" Sayu asked sitting at Kii's desk as Light sat on Kii's bed.

Light's Point Of View

I sat on Kii's bed as Sayu sat at Kii's desk. I felt something poke against the back of my thigh through my pants. I looked down and slightly peaked at what it was.

Death Note

My eyes widened as I read the cover. She owns a Death Note? How many people have she killed? Do I need to kill her?

I shook my head. No, I need to talk to her about it first. I already know her name anyway. I wonder.. What does her Shinigami look like?

My finger grazed over her Death Note and I looked up. I contained my gasp and sat up straight as if I never saw anything.

If things go in my favor, it seems like Kira might have an accomplice now.

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