4. Kira

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Now it's back out of Light's perspective and back into the third person.

Kii went into her closet and grabbed two canvases. As she came back out she noticed Light was acting a bit weird but ignored it, "Here they are. I have a lot more but their still in boxes."

Sayu gasped and stared at Kii's two paintings. One was a painting of a grassland filled with daisies. It had a small stream too. The second one was a painting of Kii's father.

"Who's that?" Sayu asked pointing at the portrait of Kii's father.

Kii's eyes softened as she looked at the painting, "That's my dad. He passed away when I was nine."

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know.." Sayu frowned as Kii put her art back in her closet.

Kii stood infront of Sayu and put a hand on her shoulder, "Don't worry about it."

"Dinner's ready!"

Kii sighed and went down stairs with Sayu and Light. The whole downstairs filled with the aroma of five cheese rice.

"Wow Miss Asuda this smells delicious!" Sayu said sitting at the dinner table that had plates set out for everyone. Light and Kii nodded in agreement sat down next to each other. It really did smell delicious. It even looked more delicious if possible.

"Thank you for this food."


After dinner was over Sayu fell asleep in the living room on the love seat watching Crazy Cow as both of the mom's were cleaning up.

"Kii can I talk to you alone for a minuet?" Light asked taking Kii by surprise.

"Sure." Light followed Kii up to her room.

Kii sat on her bed so Light sat at her desk, "What did you need to talk to me about?"

"I know you have a Death Note. I saw it in your bed."

Kii's eyes widened and then glared at Light. Light laughed, "Relax, I have one too. Here." Light handed Kii a piece of paper that was ripped out from his Death Note, "If you touch it you'll see my Shinigami."

Kii touched the paper and looked around her room before spotting a light gray skinned Shinigami with black spiked hair.

"Sup. I'm Ryuk, got any apples?"

Kii shook her head making the Shinigami shrug, "Worth a try."

"That's Rem." Kii said pointing to her Shinigami.

Light scooted the chair a bit closer to Kii and started speaking a little quieter, "Have you heard of Kira?"

Kii nodded making Light smirk, "I'm Kira. I'm using my Death Note to kill criminals. I want you to work with me in making this world a better place."

Kii wasn't so shocked. She's starting to get used to these weird things happening. Kii was about to decline when she started thinking back to what those gangsters did to her father. Maybe... it would be good to get rid of the bad people this world has.

What am I thinking? This isn't just making them disappear.. It's killing people. Murdering. I'd be a murderer.

"It looks like you have a lot to think about. You can give me your answer tomorrow." Light said standing up.

Kii nodded and let Light leave as she let herself be consumed in her thoughts.

Rem's Point Of View

I don't like Light.

👹Ryuk's Point If View🍎

Apples. Apples. Apples.

Third Person Point Of View

Light laid down down on his bed, thinking about Kii.

I hope she agrees to help me. Her cute short black hair and-

Light sat up placing his hand on his forehead.

No. I can't be thinking about her like this. Just because she's beautiful with her soft looking skin-



It was the next day and Kii was sitting in her desk at school. She some how was able to avoid Light but she knew after the last bell of the day rang she'd have to walk home with Light and give him her answer.

If I do work with Light, he and I could change the whole world. We could make it a better place where people can feel safe. But if I don't work with him... Will he kill me? He does know my name..but I also know his.

Sighing Kii got permission from the teacher and went into the girls bathroom with Rem trailing behind her. Kii checked all the stalls and noted the bathroom was empty and locked the door.

"Rem, do you think Light would kill me if I didn't work with him?" Kii asked the Shinigami worryingly. Kii definitely didn't want to die, she had many plans for after graduation.

"I will kill Light before he could even write the first letter of your nane. Do not worry Kii, you will be fine."

Kii frowned, "Rem.. but that means you'd.." She trailed off looking at Rem with sad eyes.

"Yes I'd become a pile of dust like Geul and then you would have two Death Notes. I forgot to mention this earlier, but when Geul sacrificed himself to save you, you gained his remaining life span. When Shinigami's kill humans it is to gain their life span so we live longer. But if it's a human killing other humans they gain nothing. I can also see your name and lifespan because we Shinigami's have special eyes different from humans. If you were to give up half of your remaining lifespan I could grant you the eyes." Rem explained making Kii gape at her.

Kii backed up and leaned against the sinks, "Wow. You can really see my lifespan?" Kii asked.

"Yes. You have very long lifespan, so if you were to make the eye deal you would still have an unusual amount of years left." Rem replied.

Kii stood there flabbergasted. She couldn't believe what she was hearing, "So if I did make the eye deal with you, I'd be okay?"


Kii half-smiled, "Rem, I want to make the eye deal."

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