22. Trigger

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"What's the matter, Ryuzaki?" Watari asked seeing L standing there, "What is it?"


L inspected the death note. Something about today just felt so off to me. How could it all have come to this? Everyone knows how Kira kills now. What does Light plan on doing?

"The corner of the page in this murder's notebook appears to have been torn off. Would a person still die if their name was written on the torn-off part?" L asked Rem. If he asked that, then he must know that Light remembers being Kira, and write that guy's name on the paper.

"Who knows? I've never used it that way, so I wouldn't know."

I licked my chapped lips as I continued watching, "So, is it true that Death Gods only eat apples?"

"That's not true."

The face of Ryuk popped up in my mind. I wonder how he was doing, and if he was watching this?

"Light-kun," L said making Light look over at him from the steps, "You've finally been freed and yet you never leave this place. Even Kii-san leaves here, and yet you don't."

Light crossed his arms answering, "The Kira case is far from over. Right now, I'm hardly in the mood for being social. Or are you saying that you got a problem with me being here?"


I watched as they made intense eye contact. Ever since I got my memories back, I've avoided Light. 



I jumped and spun around only to see Light, "Oh - Light you scared me. What is it?"

Light walked closer and embraced me, slipping something into my pocket and whispered, "I want you to start punishing criminals." 

I was gonna protest before remembering L would be able to pick up on it then.


"What's the meaning of this?!"

I walked in wondering what all the noise was about.

"There are more criminals being killed!" Chief said looking angered.

I pushed aside my guilty thoughts and acted shocked.

"Yesterday alone, there were 16.. all of them were broadcast-ed as criminals after Higuchi's death. It's just one after the other..."

Chief, Light, Matsuda and I all stood by L as he was sat in his chair looking at his laptop, "I guess Higuchi wasn't Kira after all.." Chief said.

"No. We know for a fact that until Higuchi was captured he was the one judging criminals."

Izawa spoke making me just now notice his presence, "So, you're saying that yet another Kira has made an appearance?"

"Why?" Matsuda asked no one putting his hands over his ears showing his frustration.

From the corner of my eye I saw Light clench his fist, "Damn you Kira!"

Yeah, nice act Light. But I guess I shouldn't be one to talk.

"So then there's someone else using a second notebook then?" I asked, for the first time in a while. It feels like I've been pretty silent these past days..

"In any case... yes," L said then proceeded to crunch a panda cookie, "We'll definitely catch that person."

My heart stopped. For a moment all I could hear was the sound of my own breathing. This is why I stopped.. I don't like this Light. I hate whatever this is that I get turned into.. a monster.


I stood on the roof in the pouring rain looking up into the sky the best I could.

Time really is a person's worst enemy. Everything in life is based off timing. If you're a single second too late, you could just have missed something that would change your life dramatically. One second that would create a whole new lifetime of events. Maybe if I would have left a second earlier before.. Light wouldn't have had the opportunity to make me punish criminals.

I exhaled ignoring the hair that fell over my face and stuck.

I can't force the blame on anyone else though.. everything that I do, I'm to be responsible for. 

Tears went down my cheeks. I just couldn't hold it in anymore.

Suddenly said my name making my turn around.


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