7. Truth Or Lie

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One Day Later

!~*Riing riing*~!

Kii groaned and turned over to her side grabbing her cellphone, "Hello?"

"Kii, it's Light. I wanted to know if we could meet at Bentō-bako for lunch?" Light asked though it was more of a statement than a question.

Kii sat up rubbed her eyes with her free hand, "Sure. See you soon." Kii ended the call and checked her phone's time before setting it back on the nightstand.

I wonder what Light wants to talk to me about. Well, it's only nine right now so. I'll just leave at eleven-forty.

Sighing, Kii got out of bed and went down stairs. As Kii entered the kitchen she noticed a sticky note on the fridge.

Went to work. Love you! ~Mom

Crumbling up the note, Kii threw it it the trash bin and looked at Rem who was behind her, "Rem, I feel like I made the wrong choice to work with Light." Kii confessed sliding down onto the floor holding her knees to her chest.

"Why do you say that?" Rem asked getting a weird vibe from Kii.

Kii stared at the floor with a sullen expression, "I guess.. I guess I'm scared. What if I got caught? What would my mom think of me? What would she do?"

Rem stared at Kii with her usual unreadable expression, "I wouldn't know. I don't understand humans. What will you do?"

"What do you think I should do?" Kii looked up and met Rem's blank eyes.

Rem glanced away feeling uncomfortable, "That is.. for you to decide."

Kii closed her eyes in exhaustion, learning her head back against the sink cabinet facing up at the ceiling, "For me to decide, huh?"


Kii pulled her coat closer against her body and entered Bentō-bako. She spotted Light sitting in a booth with a cup infront of him. Kii took a deep breath of air in and out to calm her nerves down and approached the booth.

Not saying a word, Kii slid into the seat across from Light. Light was the first one to break the silence, "Kii, I'm glad you could make it. I wanted to tell you some important news." Light said.

"Oh, what is it?"

Light spoke quietly so no one could overhear their conversation, "I want you to start killing criminals without my guidance. I trust your judgement. Can you do that?"

Kii nodded stiffly. Though she was relieved Light trusted her judgement, she was still nervous.

"Light, is it okay if I ask you a few questions?" Kii asked in a wary tone.

"Sure. I don't mind."

Kii placed her hands in her lap and stared straight down at the table avoiding Light's eyes, "My first question is about L. I've never heard of him before, so what is it L does exactly?"

Light's eyes darkened slightly at the mention of L, "L is apparently the worlds best detective. I've heard he can solve any case that's thrown at him. To be honest, he already suspects me. And it probably won't be long till he suspects you too. But I wouldn't worry too much. I have a plan."

Kii felt her heart drop slightly but ignored it. Was L really that good? If so, was Kii going to get caught?

"Okay. My second question is, what are you looking to accomplish with being Kira?" Kii spoke in a soft and quiet tone. Maybe talking about this in public wasn't so smart.

Light paused in thought before answering, "Well, as you know, I want to create an ideal world where there are no crimes or bad people. Only good hard-working people I believe to be honest. I will be the God of the new world."

Kii gaped at Light. Was.. was Light really planning on being 'God'? What mess did I get myself into?

Kii fake smiled and nodded, "Okay. That was all my questions. Thanks, but I have to get home now. I want to make a lunch and surprise my mom at work."

Light smiled and stood up, putting on his coat, "Alright, well I'll walk with you then."

Kii mentally kicked herself for not thinking of a better lie and walked out with Light.

The sounds of feet tapping on the sidewalk was the only noise between Kii and Light. Neither of them felt like talking so it just stayed silent. It always seemed to be like this between the two.

"You know, how our mom's said we were childhood friends? Do you.. remember any of that?" Light asked almost hesitantly.

Kii took a few seconds to think but cane up blank, "Mm.. Not really. I wish I did though, I hate forgetting things. What about you, do you remember?"

Light looked to his right at Kii who was looking forward towards the horizon. A light breeze blew against her face sending strands of her black hair to flow gently.

She looks really beautiful.

"Yeah. I remember a lot of it now, that I actually think about it. We would always play this game, cops and robbers. One time, you and I had to play the robbers and I got caught so I was out in the sandbox that was the 'prison'." Light paused laughing softly, "And you attempted to break me out but ended up getting caught yourself."

Kii smiled wishing she could recall a memory like that. But every time she tried, she just came up blank.

As Kii and Light reached Kii's house, Kii turned towards Light with her hands in her coat pockets, "Next time, you should tell me more about when we were kids." Because it makes me feel pure again. Kii wanted to add but felt it would be best if she didn't.

"Yeah. Well, don't forget about what I said before. You can do it on your own now. I'll see you later Kii." Light walked away leaving Kii who had a frown on her face.

We can never go back to how we were, can we, Light? Is the path we're going down the right one? What..have we done to ourselves? What will happen in the future? That's what I really wanted to ask you. But I'm a coward, so I think I'll keep this all to myself. Because I am scared, I will run away from the truth. Because lies are so much easier than telling the truth.

I'm sorry, Light.

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