28. Try

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"Light, Mr. Yagami, are you on location?" L's voice came through the ear pieces the father and son wore.

Mr. Yagami was the one to reply, "Yes, we've arrived on site and are about to go in."

"Very well. I leave the rest to you."

Mr. Yagami pulled out the death note that was in a see-through bag that fitted the notebook perfectly, "It's right here!"

It was silent for a minute until the doors opened, letting them in. Light and Mr. Yagami walked at the same pace inside. They walked further until they saw Kii tied to a chair and a large african american standing there holding a gun.

Light looked closer and saw she had a bruised lip. His fist clenched to his side, "We have the death note, let her go!"

"First, I must make sure the death note is for real. Place it in the suction temp-port behind you."

Mr. Yagami walked over and placed it in the temp-port. Suddenly a rattling sound was made and it disappeared.

A minute later the voice came back, "I see. It is indeed the real notebook. G, you may let the girl go."

'G' untied Kii and pushed her to the ground before vanishing out a door. Light ran to her side and picked her up, "Hey.. you okay?" Light asked.

"Wonderful.." Her voice came out scratchy.

"Let's take her to the hospital, son." Mr. Yagami placed a hand on Light's shoulder.

Light stood up with Kii still in his arms, so he was carrying her like a bride. Kii was too tired to protest and fell asleep.


After the check up in the hospital was done, Light and Mr. Yagami took Kii to see L and the others.

"How are you feeling?" L asked, alone with her in his room that was rarely used.

"I'm fine," She smiled rolling her eyes.

L still wasn't satisfied though, "Did they do anything to you?"

"No, but I did get slapped for kicking G-guy and trying to escape."

L didn't know how to reply so he changed the mood by feeding Kii a sweet, "Open."

Kii opened her mouth and the taste of cream and strawberry hit her tongue, "Mmm.. I can see why you eat this all the time."

"I think Light-kun is jealous of the relationship we have."

Kii choked on her own spit and swallowed, "W-where did that come from?"

"No where.." L exhaled.

Kii frowned, "If you're worried that I'll leave you to be with him, don't be. I wouldn't have become your girlfriend if I didn't lov-" Kii quickly covered her mouth with her hands, blushing.

L stared at Kii wishing she'd finish her words, "If you didn't what?"

Kii faked coughed, "Wow, you-know I'm pretty.. tired I should-"

L ignored her and leaned closer to Kii's face.

"If you didn't what?" He asked.

W-what is he doing? he never acts like.. like..

L pressed his lips to hers.






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