14. Bright

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New cover!! Made by baeflix

Video on the side is mine!! River Flows In You :D

And again, sorry I haven't updated in forever..


Kii looked out the window as the car came to a stop. The driver got out and opened the door for Kii and L. Kii examined her surroundings. The building they were going into was just an average hotel.

Not exactly what I imagined but at I guess it would have to be on the down-low. Anything higher or expensive would probably be too obvious.

"We all shouldn't enter together. Watari, you can take Kii using the elevator first. After five minutes I will come after."

Kii nodded and entered with Watari into the hotel. L waited until five minuets passed and went in.


"We're all finally here..." L said with a mouth full of cake.

Kii was beginning to find out more and more about L every time they met. And today she learned that he only seems to eat sweet things.

"Anyway, as you know I suspect you both as the two Kiras." L set his empty plate on the table before continuing, "But if somehow I am wrong and you're not Kira, this should work in your favor and prove that you're innocent."

Kii glanced at Light for a brief second before looking back at L.

Why does it feel like Light is acting weird?


"Good work everyone." L dismissed everyone of today's work, "Kii, would you mind staying behind? I would like to talk to you privately."

Kii looked confused but nodded, "Okay."

After everyone cleared the room, leaving Kii and L alone. The two sat across from each other at a coffee table.

"What did you need to speak with me about?" Kii asked as she stirred her tea with a spoon.

L stared straight at Kii making her feel as if he could see right through her, "I just had a few questions.. nothing too bad. What are your thoughts on Light Yagami being suspected as Kira? Do you think he's possible of doing such a heinous crime?"

Kii stopped stirring her tea in shock, "Well, no. I don't think Light is Kira. And also, the thing about the possibility of him doing something so cruel... that's a tricky question." Kii answered taking L by surprise.

"How so?"

Kii leaned back into the chair and looked L straight in the eyes, "What I mean is, anyone is possible of being Kira. My guess is someone found a power so evil and became corrupted by it. With that kind of power, ...with that kind of capability to act like this, Kira most-likely is losing his sanity. Kira thinks he is perfect. That he does no wrong and is always right. Without mistakes, Kira has no compassion. Without compassion there is no love, no real emotions. A normal person, who grew up with a normal life, surrounded by love has the possibility of doing this. So whose to say we all don't have the same will?"

L took a sharp intake of breath, extremely impressed by Kii.

Kii.. you truly are bright.

"You leave me speechless, Kii Asuda." L smiled ever so small, "I do think you had something to do with Kira, but somehow you may have lost all your memories of it.."

Kii's eyes widened, "That's funny of you to say. Because as a matter of fact, I woke up this morning feel as though I've forgotten something and I just couldn't put my finger on it. But.." Kii frowned looking down at her hands sadly, "Does that mean it's possible I killed people?"

L watched flabbergasted.

There's no way she could fake that look in her eyes. Kii, I'm sorry to do this to you.

"Kii, I'm going to have you placed in solitary confinement for the time being. It's just an experiment to see what happens. Please forgive me."


Rem watched the scene unfold as Kii was put into a cell.

Light Yagami, just what are you trying to do?



"Hello?" Light spoke into his phone.

"Light Yagami, I have placed Kii into solitary confinement. Please come in to hear the rest of the details." Beep

Good.. this is just as planned.



L watched the screen with a pain in his chest. Kii was laying on the cot looking miserable. She was pale.

"Miss Asuda, this has been your fifth day in and no killings have been reported. How do you explain that?" L asked into the mic.

Why does my chest hurt so much?

Kii felt tears welling in her eyes but she kept her face hidden, "I don't know.." She croaked.

Why? I don't understand, why.. is this happening?

"Are you ready to confess?"

Kii sat up and stared at the camera, "I'm not Kira. I don't care what you or anyone else thinks! That's all I need to know, is my truth. I can't explain why no killings are happening. But I know that I am not Kira!"

L scratched his head not knowing how to approach this situation.

I know Kii is not Kira, so why is this happening?

Suddenly Light bursts through the doors claiming that he could be Kira.

This is all overwhelming. I need to stop and think.. Kii Asuda, not Kira. I suspect she was being controlled by his unknown power. Light Yagami, is Kira. I know he is using Kii with his power. But..

L looked around the room at everyone.

I need to get the evidence to prove it. Light Yagami, just what are you planning by doing this?

"Watari, please prepare a cell for Light Yagami."


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