19. Truth Lies Dreams

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Light pulled his arm out of my hand, "Not worth it!? It's not worth it?" He laughed and shook his head.

Light suddenly stopped and turned to me, "I'm sorry. You're right Kii. Let's give up ownership. I'll do it tomorrow, okay? Just go home and rest. It's been a long day.."

Kii gasped waking up from her sleep. She put a hand to her head trying to subside her migraine. That dream felt so real. And ownership of what?

• Later •

"Yes, thank you Matsuda. Though you did act stupidly, you did a good job. Now we know for sure that they are indeed working with Kira. One of then may even be Kira." L said in response to Matsuda's story about what he heard.

Light looked over at Kii and frowned. She had been quiet all morning and he figured it was just because she had a hangover, but even by now Matsuda was feeling better..

"Oh wow! I'm so happy! Th-"

"If you don't take this seriously I'm going to kick you."

Did something happen with Matsuda that we don't know about?

L noticed Light's lack of conversation and studied him. He followed his eye sight and saw that he was staring at Kii.

Yes, that's right. Kii has been having sleep problems all through the night. I wonder.. Did something happen on their little trip? It couldn't be.. Matsuda is the same as ever. Hm...

"I believe we should get Matsuda and Kii back in there to distract the men while we can install cameras in the room. It seems like a lot of meetings happen there, and this information may lead us to Kira."

Light shook his head not liking that, "No way, Ryuzaki. That's too dangerous. Their already suspicious of them."

"Yes, I agree with your words. But it will also appear odd if they just disappeared after barging into their special meeting. We need to use this to our advantage." L resorted knowing he won that bottle. He felt happy beating Light.

Light's dad joined in on it too, "As much as I don't like it either, Ryuzaki is right. We need to catch Kira."

Light sighed. All he really cared about was Kii, that's what made his act seem so real. Because some of it was, "Fine. What's our plan of action Ryuzaki?"

"Here's how it will work out..."

• Time skip/L's narration

"Using the number they gave you, you'll call and schedule a meeting."

Matsuda dialed the number, "Oh, hello! I call on regards for Kori. She would like to start work with you as soon as possible!"

"Once you arrive at the building, quickly get through the details. You must finish before four-fifty-four, because at that exact time the other model's will appear. Your excuse for their arrival will be a celebration to a new start of business. While they are occupied, the cameras will be installed. Installation will begin at five PM sharp, till five-twenty-one. You must leave the building by six. Understood?"

"Thank you for having us." Kii said while her and Matsuda bowed in respect an appreciation.

Everyone sat at the large table and began discussing their work, "And we'd schedule a photo-shoot on the fifth."

"The fifth is almost a month away, but I suppose that would be fine." One of the men said making the other nod in agreement.

Matsuda shook hands with him, "So it's officially a deal!" Kii then cut in, "And as a treat we've brought a special surprise!"


As on cue, beautiful woman filled the room holding drinks and glasses. The men smiled in approval and the part began.


"Maybe we should-"

"Hey big boy, you're not gonna bail out in me are you?" A model pouted trailing her finger on his chest driving him crazy, "O-of course not." She giggled in response and offered him a drink.


Everything ran smoothly without a problem.


"See you soon." Kii bowed and left with Matsuda. They weren't sure how long the models were hired to stay, but none if them would leave anyway. They wanted to party with men who had lots of money and power.

Kii and Matsuda shared a mutual look on their face as they got into Watari's car.

Car Ride Skip

Once they got back, Kii felt exhausted.

I never want to drive in a car ever again.

"Well, let's check this out." Kii said pulling up the cameras to the screen for everyone to see.

Light and L watched her, both relieved she was feeling better. At least she's back to her self.

A clear picture of the room from different angles appeared on the screen to their amazement.

"It works!" Matsuda cried out happily.

Of course it works. Kii thought to herself annoyed. Then she felt guilty for mentally being rude to Matsuda, but for some reason she just had a bad feeling. Ever since her dream.

My dream...


"I am Kira."


"Well, anyway, I'll tell you how our partnership is going to work out." Light paused leaning back into his chair.


Kii gasped and clutched her head before black dots filled her vision and she fell unconscious.

"Kii!" Light yelled catching her before her body hit the ground.

~*•Flash back/ Kii's dream•*~

"Rem, I'd like to give up ownership of my Death Note. But before you take away my memories I need to ask you a favor."

The Shinigami didn't feel shocked. She knew this would happen sooner or later, "What favor?"

"I need you to make sure my Death Note gets to Light. I know he isn't really planning on losing his Death Note, but I think he may know what he's doing. I placed letter under the cover too, make sure he reads that." Kii explained handing Rem her Death Note.

Rem took the Death Note, "Is the truly what you wish?"

Kii nodded and felt a bit sad, "I will miss you, Rem."

"And I, you Kii Asuda."

Rem instructed Kii to close her eyes as her memories were taken.

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