8. Stalker

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Later that day

The sound of the front door opening sent Kii flying out of the living room and over to the door. Kii's mother walked in with a few groceries, "Hi sweetie. I'm making tuna noodle casserole for dinner, is that alright?"

"Yeah." Kii replied helping her mom carry the groceries into the kitchen.

Mom, I'm sorry I've let you down.

"Thank you for helping me Kii."

Kii smiled sadly at her mother who was too focused on making dinner to notice.

I feel ashamed of myself every time I see you.

"I'm going to my room." Kii excused herself and ran upstairs into her room, locking the door behind her.

Kii sat at her desk and pulled out a picture of her dad. Gazing at it sadly, she heard Rem from behind her, "What's wrong? You seem sad."

Kii shook her head, "No. I'm just tired. I think I'll take a nap."

I'm even more sorry and ashamed that I know I won't stop being the second Kira.


Kii groaned as she sat up from laying her head on her desk. She looked around her room while rubbing her sore neck and realized she must've accidentally fell asleep.

Glancing at the alarm clock on her nightstand, she sighed already knowing she'd be late for school. Barely even rushing, Kii got ready and forced herself out the door.


"Kii. When I tell you this, don't make any reaction to it and keep walking like you are now. But you're being followed."

Kii refrained herself from making any sudden movement or noise of shock and continued forward.

Light was right about what he said earlier. L must already suspect me as the second Kira. I'll have to tell Light about this later.


"Miss Asuda, you're late."

Kii bowed and apologized, "I'm very sorry Sensei."

"Just don't let it happen again, please. Go to your seat." The teacher said turning his back against the class and beginning the lesson to where he left off.

Kii scurried over to her seat and quietly sat down. Suddenly a crumbled up piece of paper was thrown on her desk. Kii looked over to her right and saw Yuko looking at her, mouthing the words, 'What was that about?'

'I don't know.' Kii mouthed back making Yuko frown.


Lunch time came around and Kii sat with Yuko on the school roof.

"Here, you can have some of my egg rolls and rice. Why didn't you being a lunch?" Yuko asked slightly scolding Kii as she passed some of her lunch to her hungry friend. Yuko is the mature type of person, that's what Kii admires most about her.

Kii smiled a bit, "Thanks, Yuko-chan."

Yuko smiled back and picked up her chopsticks, "Hey, I saw this new manga shop open up, wanna check it out with me after school? I heard there was gonna be this knew manga released called 'Otoko no akachan'." (Translate: Man Baby)

"Man Baby?!" Kii laughed, "I'll go. I don't have any plans anyway. Sounds fun."

For the first time in a while, Kii felt excited.

Kii kept a neutral face as she heard Rem speak up, "Kii. The man that followed you earlier is behind the wall over there."

Kii mentally sighed but didn't have any option except to ignore it. All she wanted was to have a normal day but she knew that wouldn't happen.

"Kii, if you don't eat your food it'll get cold. And lunch is almost over, so hurry up." Yuko warned already finished with her food. Kii pouted, which was rare of her to do, and stuffed her cheeks.

Yuko laughed looking at Kii, "You look like a chipmunk, weirdo!"

Kii made a silly face at Yuko before choking. She gasped and swallowed the rest of her food. Kii laughed genuinely till her face turned red. Yuko wiped a none existent tear from her eye, "Kii, you sure are hyper today."

It feels good to laugh again.


Subject: Light Yagami, Mom

Message: Sorry I won't see you today. Going to a friends house over night. -Kii

Kii shut off her cellphone and caught up to Yuko who was about to get on the bus. She already knew that her stalker was following her, but she wasn't going to pay much thought to it. She didn't want anything to ruin her day with Yuko.

"I'm excited! What about you, Kii?" Yuko asked sitting near the back of the bus with Kii. Kii, who was sat on the outer side on the seat smiled, "Yeah, me too. Do you have the pamphlet with you? I want to see how it'll look."

Yuko reached in her bag as Kii's stalker sat in the seat behind them, "Mm-hmm.. here it is!"

Kii thanked her and grabbed the pamphlet. There were all sorts of pictures of manga artists and cosplaying, "Wow, this looks pretty cool."


"Yokihiro, has anything unusual happened yet?" L spoke into a mic that was connected to a earpiece in Kii's stalker's ear.

Yokihiro pulled out his cellphone and pretended to be on the phone with someone, "I'm not there yet, did you want me to take pictures for you?"

"I see.. thank you. Contact me immediately if you see anything suspicious."

Yokihiro fake laughed, "Okay, I'll be sure to get a picture or two for you. Bye."

Could I have been wrong? No. I'm almost certain Kii Asuda is the second Kira. I may have to take matters into my own hands I suppose..

We will soon meet face to face, Kii Asuda and Light Yagami.. or should I say Kira and Kira number two?


Has my writing been okay? Please let me know. I feel like so far this has been a bit bland.. :-I

Thank you for reading though c:


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