15. Execution

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"First Kii, now Light, and now Chief?! Ryuzaki this is getting out of hand!" Matsuda cried out looking at the computer monitor. What he said wasn't a lie. It had been over a month. Kii's hair was longer as was Light's, and Mr. Yagami looked worse of them all with dark circles under his eyes and a rough stubble on his face.

But the worse thing out of it all was the killings were started again. And Light seemed to be behaving completely different but Kii remained the same.

"Ryuzaki, it's time to let them out so we can get Chief back. The killings started again last week. I think it's time to start looking for the real Kira." Aizawa said with a tough look on his face. Everything seemed to be overwhelming him and he was reaching his breaking point. He had enough problems at home.

L sighed in disappointment, "Yes I understand."

No, this is not over Light Yagami. You are Kira. And I will prove it.


Kii's P O V

"Kii!" Light and ran over and looked at me.

What? I'm pretty sure I broke up with him..

"Are you okay?" Light asked looking into my eyes with concern.

It felt good to finally be out of the cell. But where is Mr. Yagami taking us?

I didn't reply to Light and got into the car. Light sat next to me relaxing back into the seat, "I was starting to think I'd never get out of there. It feels good to finally be cleared"

Mr. Yagami sighed and continued driving, "No, I'm afraid you two are being taken to your execution."

Light and I gasped and leaned a bit forward before Mr. Yagami continued, "I wanted to be the one who escorted you to the execution site. It was secretly built in an underground facility not far from here."

"What, execution?! What the hell are talking about?! Dad!" Light cried out as I panicked with him.

Mr. Yagami kept his face forward focussing on the road, "L is convinced you're Kira, Light. And that Kii Asuda is is the second Kira. He is convinced that the only way we can prevent the murders is to execute the two of you."

"I don't understand, the killings have already stopped!"

Mr. Yagami shook his head, "No they never stopped."

Light looked confused, "They never...? That's not what he told me, so he was lying?!"

"L was trying to get a confession out of you Light. He would've said anything. But at this point that's not the problem. It's political now, you see L's suggestion that the killings would stop if you two were eliminated was unanimously accepted by top officials in the UN and the Japanese government. They want Kira to disappear. No trial, no publicity."

Light and I panicked even more, "But that's completely insane! Please dad! I'm not Kira!"

"He right, what kind of father are you anyway? This is your own son you're talking about!" I said with a quivering voice.

Mr. Yagami spoke cutting me off, "L made this decision, not me. And his word is absolute. Over the years he's tackled the most difficult cases, solving all of them. He's never been wrong."

Light squinted his eyes at his father hurt and angry, "You trust L more than you trust me, your own son?"

"L went so far as to stake his life on this theory. If the killings don't stop, then he too will be executed."

Light gasped with his heart beating fast, "L said that? What could he be thinking?! I know that given the material evidence this might seem like the only logical solution. But he's making a mistake! How could L come to this conclusion? Something's not right here, it's just- it's, it's not like L at all! The L I know would rely on hard evidence, he had to have the truth! Is he really trying to end it like this?!"

"Alright, we're almost there." Mr. Yagami's voice lacked any emotion as did his face. The car made a sharp turn with the wheels screeching. Mr. Yagami drive down a road with countless bumps causing Light and I to jump in and out of our seat.

The car came to a harsh stop, "Where are we right now? And why did you bring us out to the middle of nowhere? What is this?" Light demanded, wanting answeres.

"This will do, looks like there's nobody around to see us out here. I decided it would be better for us if I brought you here instead of the execution site." Mr. Yagami looked back at us, "Listen to me, I'm going to kill you here and then kill myself."

Light and I gasped and cried jerking around, "What?! What are you talking about dad?! You can't! That's crazy!"

"How can you say that?!" I cried out in fear, "You'd kill your only son for L?!"

Light stared at his dad, "Dad come on! She's right! Think about it, if we died here the truth will never be revealed! Please dad! You have to let us escape! Light begged.

"Enough Light! Either way, you'll be executed. At least with this, I'll be the one to do it." Mr. Yagami pulled out a gun and punted it directly at Light.

Light stared at the gun scared, "Please stop dad! I'm not Kira!" Light struggled trying to get his cuffs to break free, "If I die here Kira wins! Can't you see?!"

"Asuda, I'm going to die here with my son, but I have no reason to kill you. Do you understand what I'm saying? It's only a matter of time before the police locate this car. Then they'll transport you to the original site and execute you there."

Mr. Yagami held the gun closer to Light, "Light, my son.. from one murder to another, I'll see you in hell."

Light shook his head and closed his eyes tightly, "No dad!"

"No! Stop!"

PEWW! (Gun shot noise)

Light panted falling back into the seat, "Eh.. you.. used a blank?"

Mr. Yagami dropped his arm down and sighed in relief, "Uhg, thank goodness."

Light and I peered over at Mr. Yagami confused, "Thank goodness? What's going on?.. I don't understand.." Light asked.

"Please forgive me, you two. I know that was hard on you. But it was the only way I could get you out of prison. You must understand. I only agreed to do this because I believe in your innocence Light. Were you watching Ryuzaki? I did exactly as you said and as you can see I'm still alive."

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