5. Partnership

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The final bell of the day rang. Kii walked to her locker with Yuko and put her things away.

"See you tomorrow, Yuko-chan."

Yuko nodded and continued putting away her things. As Kii walked out of the school she spotted Light sitting on a bench waiting. Kii adjusted her over-the shoulder bag and walked to him.

Light looked up and smiled, "You ready?"

Kii nodded as Light casually swung his arm over her shoulder and walked out together. People around them whispered and gossiped, spreading rumors already.

"Are they dating?"

"Isn't she the new girl?"

"I heard they were childhood friends."

Kii and Light ignored all their stares and continued walking away together.


An awkward silence filled the air. Kii sighed and stopped walking making Light stop and look back at her with a confused expression, "Why'd you stop walking?"

"I'll help you." Kii said quietly but loud enough for Light to hear. Light stared wide-eyed at Kii surprised.

Light looked around before grabbing Kii's hand and dragging her behind him, "Hey! What do you think you're doing!?" Kii asked stumbling as Light pulled her along almost resembling a rag doll.

"We're going to my house so we can talk to privately. I've been followed before, and I could still could be."

Kii nodded silently and caught up to Light and walked calmly beside him even though her heart was beating like a hammer. She's never held another boy's hand like this before.


"Wow I knew I lived somewhere near you, but I didn't think our houses were this close." Kii said looking at her house that was just down the street.

Light opened his front door and had Kii go in first, "Oh! Kii, I didn't expect to see you here today." Light's mother smiled warmly at Kii.

Sayu ran towards the door when she heard Kii talk, "Yeah-"

"-Kii! What are you doing here? Ooh Light brought you here, you guys must be dating or something!" Sayu giggled, "I totally approve. But aren't you out of Light's league? You could do-"

Light didn't let Sayu finish and pulled Kii upstairs to his room. Sayu and her mom looked at each other with mutual looks. They definitely would like Light and Kii together.

"Sorry about them." Light apologized closing and locking his bedroom door as Kii sat on his bed.

Kii looked around Light's room and spotted Ryuk near the ceiling. Light sat down at his desk making Kii turn her attention back on him, "Do you have your Death Note with you?" Light asked.

Kii shook her head, "No. It would be too risky to carry it around."

"Well, anyway, I'll tell you how our partnership is going to work out." Light paused leaning back into his chair, "My mom and Sayu, and half of the school already think we're dating. Just in case L might have anymore FBI agents follow me around again, we're going to have to 'date'."

Kii frowned but agreed anyway, "I see. What about writing the names? How do you want that to go?"

Light was about to answer before Kii gasped remembering the deal she made with Rem, "What is it?" Light asked worriedly.

"I made the eye deal with Rem." Kii stated making Ryuk laugh.

Light ignored Ryuk and stared at Kii shocked, "What about your lifespan!? You just gave up half-"

"-I know, but you never did ask on how I found my Death Note."

Light relaxed not even realizing how tense his muscles were, "Oh right.. how did you find your Death Note?"

Kii told the whole story from when she first found the Death Note to now. Light sat there silently listening to every word she said. He even felt a bit bad for her when she told him about her father.

After Kii finished telling Light everything they sat there quietly for a minuet. Kii sighed, "Well I have to go home, just email me."

"Wait, just.. wait. I have cram school anyway." Light grabbed a piece of regular paper and wrote down instructions, "Don't read this till you're home, alone in your room. It's instructions on everything."

Kii grabbed the folded up paper and put it in her bag, "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow Light." Kii stood up and exited Light's room.

Once Kii was at the bottom the stairs Sayu came running over to her, "Hey Kii, are you and Light dating? I think he like-likes you!"

Kii debated on what to say for a few seconds before she heard Light answer for her, "Yes we're dating Sayu. I'm walking her home right now and then going to cram school. Tell mom I'll see her later."

"What? Wait- Light!" Sayu yelled but Kii and Light were already out the door.


The walk over to Kii's house was short and silent. The words Light said earlier rung in Kii's head.

"Yes we're dating Sayu."

Kii thanked Light for walking her home and went inside.


As Light walked to cram school he thought about Kii.

It looks like things are going my way after all. I have everything I need so far. The Death Note, the eyes, and Kii.

Light stopped frozen in his tracks.

Wait..did I just say Kii? What am I thinking? I'm just using Kii.. No. I can't deny that I'm attracted to her. She's beautiful, smart, and even agrees in creating the ideal world.

My Goddess.. Kii.

Light smirked and continued on his way to cram school. It was hard to focus with Kii on his mind, but he didn't care either way.


Light's Note:

Kii, if you're reading this that means you should be alone. Follow these instructions exactly as I put them. You can't afford to make any mistakes, I'm counting on you.

At six, more criminals will be broadcasted on the news. Write half of their names in the Death Note so they die of heart attacks. With the other half I need you to experiment with the rules on them.

Burn this note after your done reading it.

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