9. What's Your Name?

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Kii opened her eyes and blinked at the sunlight streaming through her window. A small yawn left from her mouth as she rubbed the sleep out of her eyes. Pulling the comforter off her body, she threw on her school uniform and combed her fingers through her hair.

Kii skipped down the stairs and grabbed the lunch she had made last night. Grabbing her school bag off the coat hanger, she stuffed her lunch in it and slipped on her shoes before exiting outside.

Rem stayed behind her as usual, "Kii, I don't see your stalker anywhere."

"Okay, thanks Rem." Kii looked back giving Rem a sincere look. Kii likes Rem, so she hopes Light doesn't do anything stupid to make Rem die. No- actually, she won't let Light do anything stupid.

Rem felt slightly warm inside knowing that Kii did care for her. It was safe to say Kii was the only human Rem liked, and Rem was the only Shinigami Kii liked. Not like she knows many, though.

As Kii neared the school, she couldn't help but notice she hadn't seen Light for awhile. Well, longer than usual anyway. Kii broke out from her train of thoughts as a nice, expensive looking black car pulled over blocking Kii from crossing the street to school. A very slim, tall raven haired man wearing blue jeans and a long-sleeved, white shirt cane out of the car. Kii felt curiosity arise in her as she noticed his lack of foot ware.

The man turned his head so Kii could see his face. The first thing she noticed was a shadow below each of his dark eyes. Then she looked above his head casually and saw his name.


The black car drove away making Kii take her eyes off the rather odd looking man. Tightening her grip on her bag, she looked both ways before crossing the street. The raven haired man began walking beside her while staring at her with a look that made Kii feel creeped out.

Kii stopped and turned to the man making eye contact, "Um.. sorry can I help you?" Kii asked taking a step away from the stranger once she realized how close they were.

"Yes. Can you direct me to the head office? I'm Hideki Ryuuga by the way."

Hideki Ryuuga? That's weird. Not only did he lie about his name, but he's coming to school when there's only three days left until graduation? And where are his shoes?!

"Oh, yeah. I'm going by it anyway so I'll show you." Kii replied and started walking again.

L noted that although he introduced himself (with a fake name), Kii did not.

The two entered the school and Kii pointed to the first office, "There it is. I'm mildly new here myself, but if you need anything I can try and be of help."

"Yes, that'd be rather helpful, thank you. Can I have your name?" L asked peering a bit closer. He was interested to know how Kii would answer seeing as she purposely hadn't told him her name yet.

Kii feigned shock, "I'm Kii. Sorry, I have class. Please excuse me." Kii bowed and walked away at a fast pace.

L was a suspicious character, that's for sure.


Class began and everyone sat in their regular seats. It turned out that Hideki Ryuuga was in the same class as Kii, in the very seat behind her.

"Rise." The teacher said, "Bow. Okay, you may be seated."

Kii turned her head to her left and rested her chin in the palm of her hand, gazing out the window.

Why is Lawliet using the name of the popular singer, Hideki Ryuuga? Maybe...he's L. Lawliet, L. It would make sense. Besides, L does suspect me, by having someone follow me around. Maybe they couldn't find anything so L had to face me himself? I could kill my stalker, and L, but that'd be too suspicious. Plus, I don't want to kill innocent people who aren't criminals. And knowing Light, he'll want me to kill L.

But I won't.


The lunch bell rang out through all of the school. Kii stood up and walked out of the classroom and to her locker with Yuko.

"Did you bring a lunch this time?" Yuko asked half-jokingly and half-concerned.

Kii opened her locker and pulled out her lunch showing Yuko, "Yes. I even have a treat for you. It's a thanks for sharing your lunch with me yesterday."

Yuko grinned and the pair headed outside continuing their conversation, "Oooo, sounds great. Speaking of yesterday, that was really fun! We should go there again soon."

Kii and Yuko sat under a tree and opened their lunches, "Yeah. I wish my friend Shinichi could've seen it. You kind of remind me a lot of him. I bet you guys would be great friends."

"Who's Shinichi?"

Kii reached in her pocket for her phone and showed Yuko a picture, "Him. He was my close friend back home. I haven't talked to him since I came here." Kii said guiltily.

So much happened in such a short amount of time. It feels like it was years ago before finding the Death Note. But in reality, it was only a week or so ago.

"I see, I see. Then you should call him soon! I'd like to meet him someday, if he's like me he must be pretty cool." Yuko joked.

Kii smiled and grabbed the cupcake she had and handed it Yuko, "Here. It's homemade by my mom so it should be good."

Yuko felt her mouth water, "It looks yummy!"


Time passed and eventually Kii exited the school. The school day felt much longer than it actually was. She ran into Light and 'Hideki' a few times. She didn't even want to think about what would happen if all three of them were together at once.

Who knows, maybe it won't happen at all. Hopefully...

Kii started walking forward when she saw Light and Hideki talking to each other.

Damn, spoke too soon. Maybe I can sneak by without them seeing me.

Kii nervously walked past them but stopped in her tracks when she heard Hideki say her name.


Kii turned around and walked over to the very two people she least wanted to be by, "Hi.."

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