(55) I Love You (8 letters)

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One of my favorite song quotes. "If all it is is 8 letters, why is it so hard to say?"


Just the sight of him running towards me panting, with his blonde locks flying backwards in the wind for some reason, almost brought me to tears. 

He faced Denki making hard eye contact with him as he grabbed my wrist. "I'm taking her back." "What?" He dragged me down the pavement of the park. "Let's go." 

A tear dripped down my eye. "Why, why, why!" He continued down the walkway, picking me up and flying us to the house at top speed. We flew in through his bedroom window. "Shut up." He told me, but I simply ignored him. "You're not fazed at all having me around right?! So why!" 

He mumbled, "Such an annoying mouth." 

Strong hands suddenly grab my waist as he cups my face, bringing it up towards his lips. 

Surprisingly, miraculously, his mouth starts moving against mine as I lean back on the bed and his thigh slips in between mine. "Bakugo-"

I gasp as he kisses me tentatively, but with enough vigor to make me shiver with butterflies.

 Involuntarily, a whine escapes my throat, and I notice Bakugo smirking against my plump lips, "you like that, huh?" He mumbles throatily, mouthing his way down my throat and along my jaw, leaving a trail of heat in his wake. It was enough to cause me to see stars.

No. I'm not having that. Not yet.

Forcing myself out of the heated daze, I put my hand on his chest to push him away. Red covers his face. "Do you get it now? No more why's." 

I yell. "No, I don't! I won't until you say it with your own words!" "Tch," he scoffs. "I-I want you Y/n." I kicked him in the shin. "So what are you trying to say?" He ran his hand through his hair. "It gets boring without you.. and I like having you by my side.."

I cry and punch him in the stomach. "What do you mean?! You always call me a dumbass..and you can't ever say anything nice..!" Slowly I feel Bakugo pull me into a tight hug as he pats my head. "There, there.." My tense body softened at his touch. 

"Damn you..!" I cry into his arm as he rubs my back and confesses. "Y/n..I'm not going anywhere until you tell me that you don't need me in your life anymore, or get sick and tired of looking at my dumb face, or tell me to buzz off, I'm going to stay right here."

"You idiot," I heard him whispering. "I lied when I told you I didn't feel the same way..I'm sorry I kept my feelings hidden away.." My ears immediately shot up, pointing upwards. "You what?" I reply, eyes widening. "Goddammit Y/n! I'm only gonna say this once so listen closely!"

I could feel my heartbeat getting faster and faster as he said, "Y/n, I'm in love with you!" 

I stood there frozen, unsure of how to react. Love.. Did that word really just come out of Bakugo's mouth? I wasn't so sure. He shoved away his pride and continued on. "I don't know how, I just fell in love with you." That word, there it is again.. 

"Who you are. Everything about you. F-From your smile, to your sexy body, to the way you act around me, to your attractive personality and to every single one of your vulnerabilities." He laughed. "I catch myself staring at pictures of you for hours. All I can think about is where is she? How is she doing? Why the fuck is she so cute?  You're in my thoughts 24 hours of every day, even in my dreams. I may not have realized it but I loved you from the day we first met. You were different, special. The only one who could beat me or calm me down. The only one who saw me for me, who looked out for me, who made me blush and never judged me. And goddamn..every time I'm with you, it feels like my heart is gonna beat out of my own damn rib cage. I've never felt this strongly about anyone before. I'm crazy about you. I love you more than I love my own damn self! So I'm begging you to forgive me for lying to you and lashing out on you.."

My response was silence. I made eye contact with him only to find a wide-eyed, blushing mess named Bakugo. "What did you just say...?" I know I heard it, but my ears couldn't believe it.

"Nothing much.. I-Idiot.." He brought me closer to him. "Okay, yeah, you heard me.. What about it?!" He huffed, looking away from me. 

I giggled softly, as I grabbed him by his shirt, pulling him into a shy kiss. 

How do I explain this...it was the best kiss I've ever had in my whole entire life! 

Actually no, that would be an understatement.

As my lips broke free of his and my knees got weak, his previous facade raised itself once more, though, his frown was replaced with a grin. "So what do you like about me?" 

I grabbed his hand to keep warm. 

"I like the secret side you only show to me." He raises an eyebrow, "What else?" "Hmmm, I love how warm you are, and how I can always count on you to protect me. I even love the way you get mad at me, the faces you make and goddamn can we mention your hot ass face and body?! Like sometimes I can't focus on anything else but that!" He mischievously stared me dead in the eye grinning as he slowly unbolted his shirt, alerting my attention. 

I slowly looked down at his 8-pack. Lord Jesus please have mercy on my soul. 

He smirked as he moved closer to me to try and seduce me. 

"Mhm and what else?" I flicked his forehead. "There's nothing else." He pouted. "Oh." My answer visibly disappointed him as he turned his head away from me like a child who didn't get the toy they wanted. "Fine." I said while pulling his ear. "And apparently I like your skill for kissing too." He smiled as he leaned in for another kiss. "Cute." I snickered softly, as I ran my hand through his hair before dodging his kiss. "But first, are we gonna make this official or not?" 

He paused and kissed my forehead. "Y/n L/n..can I be your boyfriend?" 

"Eeeee!!" I jumped on him and embraced him as he held his arms wide open for me. "Yes, yes, yes! It's about damn time!" He held me up by propping me up on my bottom and said in such a low whisper that I probably wasn't meant to hear. "She's finally mine.. thank god..." I smiled at his words as I hugged his head and we fell back onto the bed.

Ahhhhhh! I can't believe this just happened!

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