(42) Just A Dream

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(As the title says, this is actually just y/n's dream, you'll seeeeee)

Aside from the shaky feeling of big hands on my shoulders, I hear heavy ringing in my ears and my body feels almost numb. It gets even harder to regulate my breathing as my knees give in and my eyelids flutter open and close. A red-headed guy appears in front of me, indicating that he is the one who grabbed me; his mouth moves, but I can't process what he's saying.

My thoughts were focused solely on Bakugo as the TV Reporter broadcasted. "Another man down in the fight against the League Of Villains! Hold tight as they identify this brave hero." My eyes widened like saucers. Was he alright? Who was the man that was down? I crossed my fingers. "Please don't let it be him, anyone but him.."

"Y/N! Look at me!" I finally hear Kirishima say. I followed his line of sight and noticed that my hands were still trembling. Nevertheless, my focus switches back to the tv. "Attention, the man has been identified as Katsuki Bakugou, our number 1 hero. Condolences to Bakugou and his family and may he rest in peace."

It took a moment to process. "No...No, NO!" Tears rush down my face and rage consumes me. "I'LL KILL EVERY ONE OF THOSE VILLAINS..!" I attempt to move past Kirishima but he grabs my arm and throws me down. "Y/N, you're not thinking straight right now!! Bakugo told me to watch over you while he's gone so that's what I'm going to do." My heart lurches at his words. Bakugou told him to watch over me while he was gone? While he is gone? He knew?! "I-I can't...breathe..." I struggle to say through my gasps for air as my hands grip my chest and I fall to the ground unconscious. 

(Back to reality >:))

"No!" I jolted out of my bed as a tear rolled down my cheek. "Bakugo...Bakugo..."

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