(7) "Come Here Idiot!"

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My heart was still beating fast. Dazed I shoved her away from me. "FINE WHATEVER. JUST GET OFF ME ALREADY!"

As I got up and brushed off the dust from my pants, I heard Denki scream. "EW BAKUGO WHY IS YOUR FACE ALL RED!" I stammered. "N-NO ITS NOT!" "Awww Bakugo's blushing!" Sero teased as the rest of the class laughed and joined in. "SHUT UP BEFORE I KILL ALL OF YOU!" I yelled as I stomped off, grabbing hold of y/n's wrist, dragging Y/n with me.

"What is your problem?! Let go of my shirt moron! What, do you wanna fight me again?!" she threatened as she looked up at me. "Answer me!"

I ignored her until we got to the other side of the courtyard. Once we were away from everyone else I released her. "Idiot, what's your quirk?"

She looked me in the eye and winked. "How about...you guess!" This girl is really annoying me. I don't have time for this! I yank her shirt. "WHAT IS IT DUMBASS?!" "Wow, you must really like my shirt." I shake her even more and scream. "I'M NOT JOKING! TELL ME!" "It's earth bending, duhhhh" she laughs. "Y/n. I'm not stupid. I know there's more to it. She laughs again. "Fine, you're not going anywhere until you tell me." I sit down and cross my arms.

She rolled her eyes. "Why are you so interested in my quirks anyway?" I grunt and death stare her without saying a word. "Fine, fine I'll tell you, just stop looking at me like that." she says.

"Then go on, say it" I told her as I continued to stare at her. She scratched her head. "It's kinda confusing.." As if I care. "Well then make it simple. You have 2 minutes."

She sighs. "Ok so have you ever heard of the avatar?" she asks. I think back. "You mean the anime everyone used to watch as kids?" "Yeah that one." she replies.

I look at her oddly. "Don't tell me-- your the avatar?!?! Wait are you wearing a wig or is that your actual hair?! I thought the avatar was bald.." She looks at me confused and shakes her head. "No moron, I just have similar powers as him. I can bend earth, water, air and fire." she says. "Oh." I respond. "Then how did you create explosions and shoot icicles out of your hands earlier?" This isn't making any sense.

"Well actually it's quite simple. Instead of using my quirks to simply create the elements I alternated it so it could be more useful in a fight. She rambled on. "And--" I interrupt her. "OKOK I GET IT NOW. PLEASE JUST SHUT UP."

"Ok jeez, your the one who asked for it in the first place. But whatever, I'll stop flexing now." She said cockily as she whipped her hair and placed her hands on her hips. I rolled my eyes. "So are we done here? I need to talk to Mina and Jiro about something." She said.

About what?

"No." I respond. "No? What's that's supposed to mean?!" She questioned.

"This." I picked her up and slung her over my shoulder. "W-what are you doing Bakugo?! Let go of me!" She slammed her fist and kicked me in the back repeatedly. "Ow, could you not?!" I complained. "If you don't like it, let go of me!" She yelled. "Just wait till I get a hold of you!" I laughed. I laughed for the first time. No girl has ever said those kind of things to me before. I guess I'll let it slide, just this once, since she kind of beat me earlier. Kind of.

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