(22) Her Knight

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I walked out the front door. Her words and voice repeated in my head.

Baku.. was that a new nickname for me? Cute...

I shook my head.

No. I can't let myself get attached to her. Not to her, not to anyone. Not again.

Heart of stone..that's what I need to have.

I sped up, now walking at a relatively fast pace. I'd say I was probably around 3 houses in front of y/n by now. "Bakugo, wait up!" She yelled.

I ignored her. It's not my fault she can't keep up.

She was persistent. "Bakugo please wait up! I don't know how to get to school from here! I'll get lost and be late!" She desperately called out to me. Not my problem.

I walked faster. "Meanie!" She hollered.

Mean, was that what I was being? Tch, and here I thought I was having a good morning.

I crossed the street and turned the corner deciding to wait for y/n, still staying out of her line of sight though. I heard her faint but fast footsteps, she was approaching quickly.

"That dumb idiot! Can't even walk me to school properly! There's no way I'll ever like him!!" I heard her say sassily, still at a distance. Tch.

I watched y/n run from afar. The crossing light was still red but it didn't look like she had any intention of stopping.

She was going to keep going.

A red Ferrari was speeding down the left side of the street. In another few seconds, it was going to turn the corner. Shit! I ran back in her direction as fast as I could. "Y/N!" I yelled.

Just as the Ferrari turned the corner, before y/n stepped out onto the street, I grabbed her by her waist and twirled her into my arms.

Her eyes widened.

"I've got you." I said out of breath.

She mesmerizingly looked up at me. "You..." I cut her off and pushed her away. "Fucking idiot! Look where you're going next time!" I felt like exploding the entire block down.

What is her problem?!!

Y/n, however, didn't look fazed at all. "I wanted to catch up to you though!" HUH?! I swear she's pissing me off right now. Steam was practically coming out of my ears. "YOU COULD'VE DIED!"

She just stood there and smiled. What the hell is she smiling about?!?

"If it would mean that you'd actually get worried and come back for me instead of leaving me behind I would be okay with that."

I stared at her in disbelief. Does this girl really not have any value over her own damn life?!

I grabbed her hand and yanked her forward. "Whatever. Let's go."

She winced and lost her balance, as she gripped her left leg. "Hey, Hey...are you okay?!" My eyebrows furrowed.

Fuck!!! I need to stop worrying about her!

She rolled up the cuffs of her pants, pointing at her bad leg, clenching her teeth in pain.

She must've overused her legs just now...trying to catch up to me...Dumbass.

She tripped backwards and landed on her ass. People from all sides of the street stared.

I scowled. "I thought you said you were fine." She winked. "A little white lie doesnt hurt anyone~ plus it's not even purple anymore, just pale."

I rolled my eyes. "Are you kidding me right now?" I paused. "Get on."

"What?" She raised an eyebrow.

I got on my knees and crouched down low enough so she could climb on my back. "Do you want a piggy back ride or not?!" She smiled. "SAY LESS" and hopped onto my back.

I slowly crossed the street, she wouldn't stop talking. "Baku, do you have mood swings?" There goes that nickname again. "You were gentle this morning and all of a sudden you got all mad and left me behind." I shrugged. "You were taking to long."

But we both knew that wasn't the real answer. The real reason was because I needed to cut myself off from her to make sure I wouldnt get too attached. So far it wasn't going to well.

I let her wrap her arms around my neck, and I used my arms to hold her legs up. Her neck rested in between the sensitive spot between the crook of my neck and my shoulders.

I unconsciously blushed.

"Tch, your heavy." She hit me over the head. "I am not! You're just weak!" I scowled. "Ow! Do you want me to drop you?!" I saw her pout as she pinched my arm. "Keep walking."

"I'm gonna take a nap, so tell me when we get to school." Her lips brushed against my neck sending a tingling sensation down my spine.

"F-Fine, but n-next time your walking. And I'll kill you if someone finds us like this."

She hummed a response. "Y/n. You're an idiot." I waited for a response but all I heard was snoring. "How is she already asleep?!"

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