(69) A Plan To Reach You

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Y/N POV: (The time and pov's are back to normal, so continuing on..)

..I could hardly stand, and my breathing got viciously heavier...

Why did I let myself get attached to him? I have no reason to keep going on..Why bring me into this world just to make me suffer? I have no one now..How cruel..

I screamed out. "WHAT HAVE I DONE TO THE WORLD?! ...I can't get anything I want?! I already tried to kill myself so why am I still alive..?!" 

Who was I talking to? I'm not sure, but the scars on my arm that I gave myself were proof of that.

Without further thought, I dropped to the floor and my brain started spinning in 10 different directions..I could hear my heart beating loudly, almost as if it was going to explode out of my chest..thump, thump, thump. My ears started ringing and my senses dulled.

What is this?

And then I ran, I kept running, across the halls, up the stairs, until I found yourself standing on the top of the roof as my hair flew back due to the wind.

Despite my effort to hold back, tears began to rush out, and I struggled to breathe. "It's fine....it's not like I need him..I don't need anyone! But still- I can't handle this pain.."

I wouldn't mind if I shot right here, right now. I got ready to jump.. until I heard a voice, it was his voice. "Y/N!" And when I turned, I saw him reaching out for me.

I watched his mouth move, trying to figure out what he was trying to tell me..

And then slowly, the scenery around me changed and that vision of him disappeared. 

"AH!" I woke up in cold sweat, feeling the pain of my swollen eye bags as a result of crying myself to sleep last night. I looked to the side where Bakugo would normally sleep, feeling the emptiness of no one beside me on the bed. A nightmare..it's been a while since I've had one of those.. "I guess I should start getting used to it now that we're no longer going to be sleeping with each other.." I laid on the bed for a bit, looking up at the ceiling before getting up to go get ready. When I finished, I left for the common room where I met most of the girls.

Mina and Jiro ran up and hugged me. "Good morning Y/n!!" "Huh?" I groaned. "Oh..morning.." It still amazed me how people could be so cheery so early in the morning. Like damn 7am? Definitely not my time of day. Night owls rule for real.

Mina handed me a cup of coffee. "Is there anything I can do for you?" I patted her head. "You don't have to pity me ya know. I'm fine." She let out a relieved sigh. "Really?! Thank god because today we are going back. Mr. Aizawa said we should be leaving soon." I groaned. "I don't feel like training today..." Jiro smiled. "We're not. Mr. Aizawa said we have an assembly, and anyone could volunteer. I thought I might volunteer to sing but..I dunno we'll see." 

Sing..sing..sing...that's it!  My eyes lit up. "Is it a mandatory assembly for the first years?" Mina nodded her head. "Yeah..I'm pretty sure..why?" I smiled for the first time in the last few hours. "I'm gonna make sure my feelings reach him." 

Just then, Mr. Aizawa walked in through the door with Toga..by his side. I scoffed. "I'm sure you've already met her, as I asked her to introduce herself last night because I had some.. things..to deal with. This is Toga, and though she isn't a full student at the school, she will be staying with our class for a few days." Momo raised her voice. "Uhm, excuse me if I'm wrong, but isn't she a villain? Since yesterday, everything has gotten chaotic, all because she showed up." The rest of the class nodded in approval but Mr. Aizawa just narrowed his eyebrows. "It is not any of your business, her stay here is private. Do not bring up this matter again." 

From the corner of my eye I saw Bakugo. 

His hair was all fluffy looking like normal and he still wore our matching pajamas. I didn't know how to feel. "Eek..!" Suddenly, while he roamed his eyes we made eye contact.

Was he trying to tell me something..or was it just a coincidence?

Oh wait! I didn't have time to figure any of that out. 

I broke eye contact with his amusing crimson eyes and ran to catch up to Mr. Aizawa. I huffed. "I want to sing in today's assembly! Please let me." He shrugged and wiped his forehead. "Thank god, I was hoping one of my talented students would perform.." Making me let out a laugh. He gave me a thumbs up and clapped his hands. "Well? What are you waiting for?! Go on and practice!" I smiled at his encouragement while I ran down the hall. "Thanks..I will!" 

I'll reach you Bakugo..with just a song..it's my last option anyway..

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