(34) Wait For Me

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About an hour passed since we arrived at the festival and yet Bakugo was still a no-show.

Me and Kaminari walked down the stone paved streets, pointing at random stores.

Everyone including us went off into pairs: Jiro & Sero, Mina & Ejiro, and finally Me and Denki.

He turned to me. "Have I ever told you that story about my ex?" I laughed. "You? An ex? No way! I mean you're cute buttt I didn't think dating was your style." He chuckled. "Not my style huh?"

As we walked farther down the road, ignoring the music from nearby restaurants, I felt him grab my hand. Though I was alarmed I didn't take it back.

"A-AH!" I lost my footing on a crack in the ground. 

I clenched my eyes shut, bracing myself for the impact. But instead of the cold hard ground, I felt someone's arm catch me. "Huh?" I peeked an eye open. "Denki?" 

He paused and held me in that position as we stared into each other's eyes, holding our gaze on each other without a word being said. As his lips slowly inched closer to mine, I pushed him back and patted down my clothes. "T-thank you for catching me." My cheeks were stained red. 

 ...why did i freeze up like that? 

 I shook my head, trying to brush off the situation. 

 "I uhm, I'm kinda h-hungry...let's get s-something to eat.. I'll buy." He took out his wallet. "It's fine. Just spend your time on me, I'll spend the money."

I felt my heart skip a beat at his words.

 "Wait here, I'll be right back okay?" I nodded my head. 

 He's acts so much more different then Bakugo..he's actually nice to me. 

As I waited for Denki to get back I noticed a man in all black stumble down the street, but it wasn't just any man-- I've seen that logo before. Stain. He must be a Stain fan.

I slowly got my things and walked down the street, keeping him in view. I quickly turned the corner, and so did he. Dammit, this guy is definitely following me.

I guess I have no choice. I don't plan on being kidnapped today. 

I took off at full speed, not even daring to look behind me. But unlucky for me, he was too fast. His footsteps quickly approached mine as he put me into a choke hold. I was about to scream bloody murder but the cocking of a gun stopped me. He murmured into my ear. "Move one inch and your head goes bye-bye." His breathe on my skin gave me goosebumps as tears filled my eyes. "Now be a good girl and don't give me any trouble." He pressed the gun harder on the back of my head, leading me into a dark alleyway. 

 "What do you want from me?" I wailed.

"Shouldn't that be obvious?" He squeezed me tighter. "Y-You're one of those UA brats, right? I recognize you. I can't stand anyone in that stuck up school. But above all of that, you're hot as hell." My eyes shot open in alarm as I finally realized his true motive. 

I gulped. "So what do you say cupcake?" He turned me around to face him still pointing the gun at me as he stroked the side of my face with his free hand and then traced his finger down my back. He licked his lips. "Heh, the Boss will be so happy when I show him what I've caught! But for now.. that will have to wait." 

All I could do is cry as a hand moved up my shirt.

But when I prayed desperately inside my head..it wasn't Denki's name I thought of..it was Bakugo's. 





"Tch, who's calling me now?" I glanced down at my phone. It was Mina. "Ugh, I'm not in the mood for you right now." I declined her call and went back to training.

*Beep Beep* "Goddammit. Why is this raccoon calling me again?!" I snatched my phone from my bed and picked up. "What do you want from me-" But I was cut off by her crying. 

"Whoa....slow down Mina. What's wrong?" She paused. "Y/n..Y-Y/n's missing...!" My eyes shot open. "..What do you mean she's missing?! MINA!" She took deep breathe. "N-no one knows where she is....we all broke of into pairs.." I shrieked. "PAIRS?! WHO THE FUCK WAS SHE WITH?!" She cried. "Y/n was with Denki but D-Denki said that he went inside to get food but when he came out she was g-gone..Bakugo please..find her." I clicked off my phone. DAMMIT Y/N.

I felt my eyes blur from the stupid water thingy that was filling my eyes. 

You better be okay y/n...If I lose you...

I shook my head. 

No..I'm not gonna lose you. I can't. 

There's so much things I haven't done with you yet..! I never got to tell you how I feel about you and I still haven't had a chance to apologize for earlier dammit!! 

I slammed open the door and powered up my explosions, getting ready to blast off. 

Wait for me y/n...I'm coming.

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