(33) Denki Takes Over

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We all sat down at the circular dinner table. Everyone melted at the sweet aroma of the food.

"Here you go..." Mom passed out homemade bento boxes and Caprisons to everyone. "That should keep you guys full for now..!"

Y/n drooled. "T-Thank you so much Mitsuki!" She took a bite out of the food and squealed. "IM ACTUALLY IN LOVE!! Like I'm dead serious. Sorry bakugo, you have competition now."

"What?!" I scowled. "See if I ever make you food again!" She protested. "WAIT WAIT WAIT. STOP THATS NOT WHAT I MEANT MEANIE. I STILL NEED YOU TO COOK FOR ME!!! 😭😭"

I glared her down as Denki laughed and rested his hand over her thigh. This ass hole...

He reassured her. "Don't worry I'll cook for you. Everyday if you'd like." "EVERYDAY?!" She jumped up from her seat smiling...at him.

But it wasn't just a regular smile....It was one of those smiles she rarely gave me.

The pure one, laced with happiness. The one that always seemed to brighten up my world. It was supposed to be my smile...a smile that was only meant for me to see, and me alone.

"Tch!!" I slammed the table with my fist and darted to the stairs. "If you don't need me then fine! Fuck you too." I locked my door and jumped face first onto my bed. "Damn that pikachu...."

It wasn't just about the food or the smile, it was everything!! Him holding her hands down the stairs, her choosing to sit next to him at the table, him trying to save her at the training center, their sudden closeness, caring actions and him even putting his hand on her thigh!!!

I groaned as the blood inside me boiled.

"Shit!! How can I stay mad when my bed still smells just like her...!"

Kirishima, Sero and the others called out from downstairs. "Come on down hot stuff!" "It was probably just a joke!" "Stop being a jealous baby! Come down or I'll take her from you!!" I knew for fact that that last comment was Denki's.

I swear TO FUCKING GOD if he gets anywhere near her.. I'll rip him in half..

I must've zoned out because it took me a while to realize someone was knocking at my door.


"Go away!" I yelled. It was y/n. "Hang out with Denki or some shit. See if I care." She sighed. "I was just joking, stop being so jealous. You don't even like me right?" I scowled. "Why would I like someone who eats more that me and isn't feminine in any way?!" She paused for second. "You know what fine!! Be that way. It's not like I'll ever like you either!"

Her words hit me harder than I thought as they replayed over and over in my head. "It's not like I'll ever like you either!" and for a moment I felt a pained feeling in my chest.. "But the others are waiting for you. So come out whenever. We're going to the festival on 81st Street, Crazy Man Avenue... Bye." As her footsteps faded I threw my pillow at the door. "Dammit, why can't I fucking be nice to the girl I want!! UGHHHHH."

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