(29) Scaredy Cat

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You take his hand, moving in a step closer to him. "..Yeah..for some reason I do." He tightens his grip on your hand, smiling deviously. "No take backs!" "Huh?" As you ponder his last sentence he suddenly sweeps you off your feet raising you a few feet off the ground, holding you in a bridal position. "EH?! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?! P-PUT ME DOWN! KATSUKI!" He smiled. "That's why I said there's no take backs." Wha?! "H-Hey, that's not f-fair!"

He ignored your last sentence and fired up his explosions. "Are you ready?!" "READY? HELL NO I'M NOT READY!" He chuckled softly. "Not liking that answer." BITCH! "I don't even know what you're about to do!" You kicked and thrashed. "let go! let go! let go!"

"No." NO?! "You wanted me to do something to pay you back for the kiss right? So just wait, trust me, it will be fun-" Fun my ass! He smirked as if he could hear my thoughts. "So, I'll ask again. Are you ready?!" I hesitated. "..mhm.."

"Okay then, on 3." We counted together. "1, 2-" and before I could say 3 he blasted off into the air, using his explosions as an engine. "AHHHHHHH!"

You close your eyes shut and bury your face into the crook of his neck. "WHAT HAPPENED TO 3!" "Hmmm" You felt him chuckle. "I don't like that number." "TCH! I HATE YOU!" You wrapped both arms around him gripping him tighter and tighter as you helplessly screamed into his shirt. "Pftttttt."

He patted my head and laughed. "C'mon scaredy cat, just look, for one second, just look."

"...Fine." I slowly turned my head, loosening my grip on him. "Don't worry," he said. "I don't plan on dropping you." I hesitantly opened one eye, and then after a few seconds I opened the other.

"Whoa..." He laughed. "Pretty cool isn't it?" There was no way to describe it. The lights, the tall buildings, everything. "Y-Yeah..it's a-amazing..!" I leaned a bit away from him looking down at the city below us as the wind's breeze brushed across my face, taking my hair along with it. I took in a deep breath taking in the scent of fresh air. So this is what it feels like to fly. I like it..

You stared at Bakugo's calm expression as he stared up at the sky.

I wonder..why was it Bakugo's mom that I met instead of someone else's parent like Mina's, Jiro's or Denki's? Would I get to have moments like these? Would we be as close?

Why did I end up living with him, sharing a bed with him too. Why did we end up in the same class? Why are we always paired together? And why... is he always the first to save me?

All this gets me thinking...Is it fate, or is it just a coincidence?

"Y/N!" "Hm? huh- what! " "Jesus y/n. I've been calling your name for like a whole ass minute!" He yelled. Oop. "Oh sorry..haha..I was...uh lost.. in thought. Can you repeat what you said before?" "Tch, I was just asking if you've had enough- I'm ready to go home now." I nodded my head. "And lucky you, your debt to me is paid. You no longer owe me!"

His flustered face gave it all away. "J-Just s-shut up until we get home!" How rude! "Hmph, why should I?" He rolled his eyes, cheeks still red. "You know what, I changed my mind, I'm just gonna drop you."

"EH?!" You pulled his ear as he let loose a slight grunt. "YOU WOULDN'T DARE!"

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