(10) Goodbye!

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I quietly unlocked the door, creaked it open and glanced around the living room. So far so good. I tiptoed in and slowly shut the door behind me.

"AH!" A black figure appeared behind me. I defensively flicked on the light switch, and turned around in a fighting stance. "Hiyaaaa!" I yelled. "Show yourself!" Wait a minute...I squinted my eyes and lowered my fists. Oh, It's just a coat hanger. 

I wiped the sweat that dripped down my face. 

Coming back home after 2 days without bringing a bottle of alcohol? Oh ho ho— if I'm caught, I'm bound to get my ass whipped. I scanned the room once more. "Good no one's here." I then ran up to my room and started stuffing whatever clothes I could find into my duffle bag and suitcase. Crop tops, oversized T-shirt's, hoodies, pjs— the whole package. I made sure not to forget my wallet, or my cute panda plushie. "Clothes, money? Check." I said.

I whipped my head around to my desk and sighed. Oh and a goodbye note.

Hmmmmm, I wrote 'I'm running away because when I was 8 you blamed me for farting when I rlly didn't.' I laughed and quickly erased that.

Instead I wrote 'Screw you mom, and adios bitch! Pay your own bills. I have 4 jobs! This is called child labor motherfucker!!" Then I scribbled over that and threw it in the trash. Yeah..no. After a few more tries I finally finished.

It said "Because of your constant abuse, I'm running away. See you in a few weeks. Love, y/n. P.S. good luck getting money or alcohol mom! Dont call me. Stay active though. 💋 XOXO''

I nodded my head. Mhm, yessir, perfect. The things I've always wanted to say. I quickly got tape from the toolbox on my desk and stuck it to the front of my door.

I skipped down the hallway. As I was on my way down the stairs I heard the door open. Oh no! I forgot to lock the door! I checked the clock in the hallway. 3:10. Frick she's home! I raced back upstairs into my room. I was breathing heavily.

She swung the door open. "Idiot, you forgot to lock the door, I know your home! Get your ass down here now!" Shit! "Don't you dare hide because I swear, if I find you it will be the last day you ever live. And you better pray to god that you bought alcohol home or that is gonna be the least of your problems!! You and your fucking dead father. Useless as fuck." I narrowed my eyebrows and clenched my teeth. I know this bitch aint talking. With her sitting her ass on the couch all day getting drunk. The way shes looking, she'll be Mrs. Santa Claus by next year. Tsk and at least dad actually did something. If he was here..things would be different.

The reaked smell of old alcohol kept getting stronger and stronger.

I think that's my cue to leave. I heard staggered but fast footsteps running up the steps. "Y/N!" I looked frantically for a way out. My window! 

I grunted while using all my strength to quickly pull up the windows. The wind blew frantically at my hair. As I stood at the end of my window I looked down at the city below and gasped. My breathing got faster and faster. Were so high up...! My heart was pounding and my head started to feel dizzy. I kicked the wall. 

Dammit! My leg is bad so my flight quirk won't work very well...I can't do this..I can't do this..I heard mom call my name again. "Y/N!" 

You know what, screw it! I prayed, "God, please help me. I don't wanna die! But if you don't help me please just make sure the next time mom goes to the bathroom shes so constipated that she has to grip her toes on the floor. Amen." I exhaled and counted, 1, 2, 3, in my head, shut my eyes and jumped.


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