(66) Lit Bus Ride

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When we arrived at school the next afternoon, I made sure to stay close to Y/n.

Mr. Aizawa walked around the classroom in circles, a ruler in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other. "Settle down so I can take attendance! I want one single file line!" 

The idiots of my class, eagerly ran into place.

"Midoriya!" "Here!" "Uraraka!" "Present!" "Y/n!" "Uh...here!" "Bakugo!" "Tch, you already know I'm here, what's the point in calling my name?!" Mr. Aizawa scoffed and went onto the next name on his list. "Sero!" "Here." "Todoroki!" "Hi." "Momo!" "Heyyy!" "Tokoyami!" "I'm here." "Tsu!" "Ribbit!" "Kirishima!" "Here." "Mina!" "Hereee!!" "Jiro!" 

When there was no answer, we all turned to face Jiro, laughing at the way she hummed to her music. "Jiro, take off your earphones and listen carefully!!" Mr. Aizawa snapped. 

Red covered her face as she removed one bud from her ear. "Oops, hi yeahh I'm..here!"

He rolled his eyes and quickly finished the rest of the attendance. "Let me remind you all that you must all be on your best behavior! This is your first and final warning! Now onto the bus!!"

"Woohoo!!" The rest of the class cheered as we entered the bus, moving towards the back. 

I grabbed Y/n's hand, "c'mon, I wanna sit next to you." She nodded with a relieved smile on her face but even so, the worried expression she wore last night still invaded my memories and it freaked me out. I had to put as much effort as possible into making this a good trip for her.

After a few hours of doing nothing, Y/n finally pulled out her phone. 

I thought she was going to take a picture of the sunset, and so her next words threw me off.

"Omg Suki!! We've never even taken a couple picture!!" "Huh?! C-c-couple p-picture?" Red bloomed onto my face. "C'mere!" She forcefully grabbed me by my collar and pulled me in just close enough so that our cheeks were touching as she snapped the picture. "Ahhh!!! Oh look, it came out so cute!! My eye bags though..." 

She looked fucking gorgeous.. But I kept that part to myself.

"!!" She faced the camera towards me. "Now lemme just take a picture of you alone..! ..For uhm personal research purposes!" "H-hey! S-Stop it!" As she clicked the camera in a giggling mess I tried covering my face with my hand. "You're so damn embarrassing you know that?!!"

"Y/n!!" Mina's booming voice from the front of the bus momentarily interrupted us. 

"You're literally one of the best here at singing!! Sing this song with me..pleaseeeeee! Jiro said she won't do it with me! You're my last hope! WAHHHHH." 

I turned to her, slightly upset. "You never told me you could sing.." 

"Oh well uhm...I dunno...I uh.." In guilt, she scratched the back of her head as Mina started the lyrics and simply egged Y/n and everyone else to join in.

(Song: Grenade by Bruno Mars) 

Mina: "Easy come, easy go, that's just how you live, oh

Take, take, take it all, but you never give...!

Should have known you was trouble from the first kiss

Had your eyes wide open..


Mina's eyes widened as Jiro joined the next verse.

Jiro: "Ooh, gave you all I had and you tossed it in the trash..

You tossed it in the trash, yes you did..!

To give me all your love is all I ever ask..

'Cause what you don't understand is...!"

As they entered the chorus the rest of the class swayed side to side and waved their flashlights high up in the air as more and more people sang along.


Tsu: "YEAH, YEAH!"


Tokoyami: "YEAH, YEAH!"



Everyone: OoWHOAoHOhh

Todoroki: "I would go through all this pain...!"

Sero: "Take a bullet straight through my brain..!"

I patted Y/n's head, covering her eyes to save myself from embarrassment as I screamed at the top of my lungs, dark red filling my face.


Denki also took a glance at Y/n.

"But you won't do the same..No, no, no, no..."

My thoughts screamed, "Damn right she won't! That's my damn girlfriend, motherfucker..!"

"Shit" I have to calm down. I took a shaky breath and layed back in my seat as Y/n stared intensely at me from the side with a rare gleam covering her eye. "W-What..? Did I say something wron-" A sudden flush on her face told me otherwise. 

"Before..d-did you call me.. b-baby..?

My eyes widened as I looked out the window, amused at both the darkness that now covered the sky and the fact that she was still thinking about what I said. I denied it completely.

"What are you talking about idiot? I never said that. Stop imagining things, I'm going to sleep." I shifted so that my body was now facing the window and so that my arms were crossed. 

"Oh.." In a pout she layed back in her seat and pulled out her phone, sucking on a lollipop.

I kept one eye open, just to make sure she wasn't looking at me. 

When I realized she wasn't, a smirk curled on my lips. 

Then, in a quick motion, I grabbed her by her waist and pushed her against the seat to give her a soft peck as I stole the lollipop from her mouth and popped it into mine. "Goodnight..babe" 

And just as quickly as I got up, I shifted back into my old position, pretending to be asleep. 

She nudged me, tripping over her own words. "H-Hey you..! S-Stop pretending to be asleep after k-kissing me like that..and stealing my lollipop..dumb t-thief!" I forced down the urge to laugh as she cutely raised her voice. "You sick...hot ass bastard! Fuck you!" 

I muttered a "bet" inside of my head, secretly liking the way her vulgar language turned me on. 

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