(13) Lie or Truth?

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I poked his arm and ruffled his hair. "You were worried about me weren't you!"

He scowled and looked away. "Tch, as if!" I poked him again. "Are you sure?" Bakugo nodded his head. "Double, triple, quadruple sure? Positive?!" I squished his cheeks.

Whoaaa his cheeks are hella softttt! Embarrassed, he shooed my hand away and tried covering up the red on his face as he cleared his throat. "I-I'm sure."

"Hmmm," I laughed. "Liar!" I focused my gaze on him and stared into his scarlet tainted eyes. I grinned. "I can see you blushing ya know..!" He grabbed my wrists and tried moving me away but I ignored him.

"Look me right in the eyes and say that and I'll believe you." He hesitated. "W-what?! I'm not going to-" I cut him off. "Go on say it." I put my hands on my hips, awaiting an answer.

"Fine. I-I wasn't worried about you. Was that good enough?!" I smiled. "What are you smiling about, dork!" He teased. "Your eyes." "Huh? What about them!" "Your eyes...they just shifted to the right!" He scoffed nervously. "Yeah so?"

I crossed my arms and spoke slower. "Did you know that when a person lies, their eyes shift to the right?" He paused. "What are you some super spy detective or something?!"

I shrugged. "Maybe."

He bit his lip and nervously ran his hand through his hair. "W-Whatever, fine you win. M-Maybe I was! But don't take it the wrong way i-idiot!"

"Hmmm" Our faces were inches away and he still had me slightly pushed against the wall. "You know..you do look kinda cute in this position."

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