(41) BOYS Sleepover

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I awoke the next morning to the sounds of snagged backpack zippers and crumpled potato chip bags. What the... I shifted my body to the other side of the bed, it was empty. "Y/n?" I groaned. "Where are you going..? Go back to bed." She laughed. "You realize it's like 1 pm right? I'm heading over to Mina's today, the girls and I are having a sleepover at her place."

I jolted straight out of my bed. "OH SHIT! THE BOYS SHOULD BE HERE IN A FEW MINUTES. THEY CAN'T KNOW WE LIVE TOGETHER! GO, GO, GO!" "Whatttt?!!" She yelled, "They're coming right now?!" She grabbed her stuff and attempted running down the stairs just as the doorbell rang. 

Mitsuki called out from the bottom of the stairs. "Bakugo!! Your friends are here!!" We turned to each other. "Shit! You have to go out through the window!" Her eyes widened. "Are you kidding me?!" I threw on my shirt. "Well, do you have any better ideas?!?!"

I ran to the window and pulled it up. "You see that ledge on the bottom and that bush near the fence? Use them so you don't get hurt. If you do, I'll kill you!" We made brief eye contact. "W-What are you waiting for? Go, go, go!" As she hurriedly jumped out the window, I called out to her grinning. "And stop stealing all my hoodies!!" 

Kirishima knocked on my door. "Bakubro, you in there?" "Uh yeah..I kicked a few of y/n's stuff to the side." That dumb idiot...why would she just leave her stuff on the floor!!

Kirishima swung the door open and curiously looked around. "Huh? I could've sworn I heard another voice." Nervous sweat trickled down my face. "NO! I mean no, it's just me." He picked up Y/n's bottle of perfume, "you sure?" I laughed nervously. "Yeah, my cousin came over yesterday and she left some of her stuff in my room. "Oh," he frowned. "I thought it was something else." 

I ran to the bathroom and brushed my teeth as he waited for me on my bed. "Hurry uppppppp. Todoroki, Deku, Denki, Sero, Tokoyami and the others are waiting for us downstairs." "Fine, fine." I ran my hand through my hair and raced Kirishima down the stairs. 

"Finally you guys made it." Sero rolled his eyes as Kirishima pointed at me. "It's his fault not mine, don't blame me!" "Whatever," I flipped onto the couch next to him as Denki threw the xbox controller to the side and shouted out. "Guys, let's play Truth or Dare!" 

"Tch," I scoffed, "Fine, who's going first?" Tokoyami pointed at Deku. "Truth or Dare!" He stuttered. "D-dare!" "Alright, make your best impression of Bakugo." "Whattt? He'll kill me!" I scoffed. "Not if it's a good impression." "Oh.." He gave me an apologetic glance as he narrowed his eyebrows and slammed his foot on the table. "Die, die, die you damn extras!!" Everyone laughed. "Okay, I'll accept that.. it was PRETTY accurate." 

Denki made eye contact with me. "Bakugo, truth or dare." I gave him a smug expression knowing that truth would be the safest option. "Truth." He smirked. "Do you like Y/n?" "OOoooh~"

I sat there frozen in spot as my mom called out from the kitchen. "Cookies are ready for whoever wants them!" "Ooo COOKIES!" Everyone else ran to the kitchen but Denki and I stayed back. "You already know I do, what was the purpose of that." I grabbed his collar. "And I'm only gonna warn you once, stay away from my girl. "What?" He scoffed, "Who said that's your girl?" I ran my hand through my hair. "What's the difference. It's the girl, I like, and I plan on making my move soon. So leave her. The fuck. Alone." He smirked. "Well, you better hurry up because who knows, I might steal her from you. I'm confessing by the end of the week. Soon she will be my girlfriend. So don't talk as if shes yours already." I took an angry step towards him, "You darned bastard!-"

"Bakugo!! Come get your phone, someone's calling you!" I ran to the counter and put my phone to my ear. "Who the hell is this?" I recognized this voice. "Bakugo, this is your dad.." I quickly hung up on him but he stubbornly called me again. I grunted. "What do you want from me you old man?!" He chuckled. "I was wondering if you wanted to live with me here in Seoul! We have one of the best hero training programs, and I can provide you everything you need. We're rich!" I scoffed. "Are you out of your mind!? You said you'd be on a business trip for 4 months..it's been a year! And you haven't called..once! Do you know how goddamn hard it was for mom!? You ghosted me and now you suddenly want me to come to Seoul with you?! Are you crazy?! I'm staying here in Tokyo, with mom. Because even though she has work, she still acknowledges my existence!" I hung up on him and threw my phone across the room. 

By the time I fully calmed down it was half past 10. 

I sighed, "Dammit, I was supposed to be in bed like 2 hours ago.." I chugged down a full gallon of water and walked up to my room. "I'm heading upstairs to bed now. Make room for yourselves on the couch. If you wake me up, I'll kill you." 

"Goodnight Katsuki!" Mitsuki shouted out as Y/n's voice was replayed in my head. Be nice to your mom okay? I hesitantly shouted out. "G-Goodnight ma.."

I flicked off the lights and closed my eyes as one of the guys screamed out. "PILLOW FIGHT!!!!"

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