(51) Threatened

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The next morning, I was up before Y/n. "Yo, wake up, were gonna be late." "Huh?" She rubs her eyes and yawns. "What time is it?" I shrug. "Almost 8:00, we gotta go."

As I attempt to rush out the door I hear her call my name. "Katsuki!" I smile at the fact that she addressed me by my first name. "What?" I ask. 

Instead of a response, I hear the sound of footsteps getting louder as they approach me. 

"Y/n?" I whip my head around to face her as she appears in front of the door, punching me hard in the arm. "Ow! What the hell was that for?!" 

"Pftttt!" She smiles triumphantly as she walks past me, heading for the shower in mom's room. 

I stand there in awe as she taps my chest. "Good to see you're feeling... better!" She snickers as she makes a pouting face with her mouth and crosses her arms, locking the door behind her. "Shut up-" I attempt a retort but then pause, placing my hand on my forehead as I remember all the embarrassing things I did from yesterday. Holy shit..I'll never hear the end of this...

By the time she finished getting ready I was already on my way downstairs. Blonde strands caught my eye. "Mom?! You're here?!" She laughed as she sassily ran her hand through her hair. "Yeah..it's been a while kiddo. How were you two without me?" "Tch, we were oka-" I attempted a response, but to my surprise, Y/n quickly ran down the steps, unintentionally cutting me off. "MITSUKI?! IS THAT YOUR VOICE I HEAR!?" She locked eye contact with her, flying into my mother's arms. "AHHH I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!!" What the hell. How does she have a better relationship with my mom than I do?! 

Mom broke away from Y/n's hug, smirking at the two of us.

"What?" I asked. "Is there something on our face? Stop looking at us like that-- it's creepy!" She raised an eyebrow. "So two teenagers living in one house alone, and nothing happened?! Your not dating yet?" We both yelled at the same time. "No!" 

She pried even more. "So....not even a kiss?!"

Y/n's eyes widened and we paused, looking at each other as we made sure to clear our throats before we spoke. "N-No, nope, d-definitely not." Before she could ask any other questions, I sprinted out the door, remembering the way Y/n's soft lips felt against mine. "Shit, shit, shit!!"

As we finally arrived at school, a minute before the bell was supposed to ring, Denki stopped me outside. "Yo, Bakugo can we talk?" He glances at Y/n. "Alone?" Y/n stared back and forth at the both of us. "Fine, I'll head to class. Try not to bite each other's heads off, okay?" 

Once she was out of earshot, I smirked. "If you're going to apologize for the fucking disgusting way you talked about Y/n, I'm all ears." "Pfttt," As soon as Y/n disappeared into the building, his smile dropped. "I know..your secret." He whispered into my ear, making my eyes widen like saucers. "Which one. I have many." An evil grin spread across his face. "You think I wouldn't find out? About you and y/n living together? I thought it was weird from the time we found you in the same bed. You two were always together," I grabbed his collar, speaking through gritted teeth. "Keep your damn voice down..!" But he continued on. "I wonder what would happen if everyone found out you lived with her? Poor little Y/n would be treated so badly by everyone in the school...that she'd be forced to move out...tsk, tsk, what a shame.. Is it her happiness or your happiness?" I resentfully whispered into his ear. "What do you want from me.." An electric bolt popped from the tip of his fingers. "It's simple really..you ignore her, and stay away from her long enough for her to hate you and for me to make my move. You know what happens if you don't accept. Sooo, do we have a deal?" I pushed him away just at the first bell rung. 

"We do."

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