(20) Morning Alone

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My eyes fluttered open and I woke up to Bakugo's hand in mine, and my legs wrapped around his body, our ankles crossed.

My eyes widened. What in the world-?!

At the moment, I felt like the right thing to do was pull away, and unwrap myself from him but I wanted to swallow in his image as much as possible.

We were so impossibly close that I could feel his rhythmic breath on me, every time he exhaled.

I traced my finger over his slightly parted lips, that were soft despite a few cracks here and there.

I carefully shuffled as in not to wake him up as I slowly shifted so that my body position mirrored his. I was undoubtedly thankful to him. That was the best sleep I had in YEARS.

But why can't I bring myself to get up yet?

I removed some stray strands of hair that covered his face, and rested my free hand on top of his head. I hesitated at first, but I eventually ran my hand through his seemingly fluffy hair, now remembering how soft it was. Whoa.

My eyes met his face once again. He looked kind of adorable, I had to admit. The way his lashes fluttered and how peaceful his expression was.

He moved a little bit under the covers, raising my anxiety.

"I can see you watching me, you creep." he grumbled, accidentally pulling me closer to his body. Ahhhh his sleeping voiceee is so hot- what the hell!! "I- uh-" You were at a loss for words as his eyes fluttered open and his piercing scarlet eyes met your gaze.

They looked beautiful against the sunlight that was now shining through the windows.

"I know I'm great but could you get your legs off me now, I'm a little stuck." he said. You didn't see it but you could've sworn you felt him smile a little. You unwrapped yourself from him but despite what he said he didn't let go of your hand.

You stared at each other in silence. "Bakugo, your hand." He looked startled. "Oh- yeah..my bad.." he slowly released his grip making you scratch the back of your head. "Sorry, about all this." He looked you dead in the eye. "All what." I paused.

"You know..jumping into your bed at like 3am." I laughed awkwardly.

He shrugged and shifted his eye contact away from me. His cheeks were red. "I didn't exactly turn you away did I? Plus, I can't say I hated it." You thought back to last night, how he welcomed you with his arms open and wrapped his arms around your back, letting you nuzzle him.

You both heard footsteps approaching your room as Bakugo's mom came in smirking. Alarmed you both quickly turned over, your backs facing each other.

"I can see that you both had a good night sleep. Care to tell me about it?" Embarrassed, Bakugo threw off the covers and got out of bed. He shut the door. "Don't misunderstand!" He covered his face so I couldn't see his expression.

He then turned to me. "I'm going to take a shower, wait here for your turn." I nodded and grabbed my phone on the table. "7:28 am?" Why is it so early, the fuck.


I undressed in the bathroom admiring a few cuts and bruises that covered my body.

New scars appeared every few days but overall I was in good shape.

I traced my hand down my own chest and neck, still feeling y/n's lasting touch on my body. Holy shit...what is happening to me?!

Her smile when she sleeps...I hate to admit it..but it's making me melt.. I hit my head against the wall a few times. Dammit, Bakugo! You gotta play it cool, you just met each other.

I slid the curtains over and stepped into the shower, turning on the hot water. I welcomed the tapping massage against my body. The calming sensation that ran down my spine caused me to completely drift away into my thoughts and relax.

Do I like her? Why did I sleep with her? Why did I let her play with my hair? Why did I let her muzzle my neck? Why did I wrap my arms around her? Why was I reluctant to let go of her hand? Why do I feel the need to protect her? Why is it that I blush a lot around her? Why did I get worried when I didn't know where she was? Why is her smile so bright? Am I attracted to her fierceness? Why did I grin when she beat me during training? How does she calm me down? How does she make me smile? Why did I get all tingly when she said my first name?


"UGH!" I punched the wall as water ran through my hair. I turned off the water and stepped out onto the rug. I started brushing my teeth as I stared at myself in the mirror.

I'm convinced. She has a quirk I don't know about. There's no way I like that dork.

I wrapped my towel around my waist and unlocked the bathroom door-- walking into my bedroom. "It's your turn now."


He just stood there for a moment, running his hand through his hair.

Not that I really minded, I honestly wanted to soak up that image for as long as possible. My eyes ran down his body, tracing his ab lines. He was shirtless. I'm no simp, but gODAMn.

I let out a couple of quiet coughs, now realizing I hadn't been breathing. He looked at me questioningly as he let out a slight chuckle. "Tch, and you call me the pervert."

I froze for a moment. "I-ITS NOT WHAT YOU T-THINK!" It was exactly what he thought.

I just sat on his bed, sitting there in awe, accidentally dropping my drawing notebook on the floor. "Eek!" I winced as it clanked upon impact with the floor.

He quickly walked over, reaching down to pick it up. "N-No don't pick it up!" I hit him relatively hard in the back but he picked it up anyway, admiring what was on the page. "Whoa, you never told me you could draw." I snatched my drawing book from him. "You never asked."

I drew a picture of his bedroom, emphasizing every detail. Including the light shining in his room onto his bed. He forced me to flip through the pages. I drew fighting scenes that included some of my favorite anime characters. "Naruto, Meliodas, Goku, Levi, Gon, Light, Gojo, Mikasa, Asuna, Luffy, Tanjiro, Natsu, Kageyama and Ichigo." They were all there.

He stared at me in awe. "Why are you looking at me like that?" I broke eye contact with him.

He stuttered. "Y-Your...kinda amazing. You should join some art competitions." I laughed. "Not really, I wouldn't win. I just do this for fun." He paused looking unsatisfied with my answer.

"Okay but you'll have to show me the rest later. I'm going to the kitchen to make breakfast. Be down in 10 minutes. Don't be late." I nodded my head. Bet.

~~Time Skip~~

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