(11) A Good Deed

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"AH- OUCH- SHI-" I landed in some thorn bushes a few floor down. Luckily, I only landed with a few scratches. Still can't believe I made it out..but now where should I go?

Crap, I should of thought about that first..

Maybe I should go to Bakugos...?? I mean he did invite me.. I shook my head, hell nah.

Hmmm. I opened my wallet. Huh? Only $100?! I turned the wallet around. Crap I took the wrong wallet! How will I survive two weeks?!

I took a deep breathe and whispered under my breath. "You know what? Let's just focus on today, I'll worry about tomorrow, tomorrow." I dragged my stuff down the block as I walked to the nearest bus stop. I exhaustedly sat down. A quick power nap won't hurt right?

By the time I woke up it was already dark and there weren't many cars on the road. I sighed and my stomach growled. I'm starving.. I guess I'll have to walk to the nearest grocery store..I think the name of it was food market? I wasn't too familiar with grocery stores because mom never made food so I used to always eat out. I walked into the grocery store, grabbed some bread and headed to the cashier to pay. The lady scanned me up and down. "Bread? That's it?" She said. I nodded "yep." She hesitated. "O-Okay your total is $5.67." I gave her the cash and walked off. "Keep the change, and have a good day!" I waved.

As I was walking out with my bag I saw some lady on the side. She had spiky sandy hair and beautiful red eyes that reminded me of..him.

But she had some unique features herself. She was a hot lady with big boobs and great posture that made her look like a total badass.

Unfortunately, she was having trouble with a cashier. She yelled "Please let it slide for once. I come here almost every week! The manager knows me! I just brought the wrong wallet and I really need to get back to my son right now!! I haven't seen him in a week, and I'm afraid he'll be sleeping by the time I go to see him..!"

I sighed a sigh of relief. Bakugo said his mom was out of town. Can't be her.

The cashier rolled his eyes. "Rules are rules sweetheart. Even if your rich, that's no excuse." She got more angry. "I'm not using wealth as an excuse!! I'm just a regular mother!! PLEASE. It's only a few dollars! I swear I'll bring it back tomorrow and I'll pay double!" She slammed the table. "Lady I don't have time for this, get back in line if you don't have the money!" She protested. "I do I just-" He interrupted her. "I'm not gonna say it again, get back in line."

What a jerk. Can't he just cut her some slack?

I ran up to the cashier and the lady. "How much money is it?" The lady was in shock. "I- Uhm- $6." I glared at the cashier with a look that said 'Really? For $6, you couldn't t let her go?'

I slammed the money on table. "Here." He rolled his eyes, and so did I. "You can take your stuff now miss." I said. She bowed her head. "T-Thank you so much!!" I shook my head. "No really it's fine." "Are you sure there's nothing I can do for you?" I smiled. "Just hurry back to your son okay? Go surprise him." I waved and ran out of the store.

There was another bus stop a few blocks down from the grocery store so I decided to sit on the bench.

I checked the time and exhaled "9:30 p.m."

I closed my eyes and started to drift off to sleep just as I felt someone tap my shoulder. I peeked my right eye open. "Hm?" I rubbed my eyes again and squinted. "Wait you're that lady from earlier!!" My eyes bulged open.

She smiled. "It's pretty late, I can drive you home if you'd like. It would probably be faster than taking the bus." I scratched the back of my head. "I uhm don't really have a home to go back to right now.." I folded my hands and looked down at the floor. That's when it all hit me. A few tears dripped down my right eye.

The lady soothingly rubbed my back. "What do you mean..?"

I shrugged my shoulders and deeply inhaled. My words were sluggish. "I can't..really go home right now..I uhm ran away..because my mom was abusive.." I pulled up the cuffs to my pants showing her my leg. "I've never really had a mother figure..." She gasped and her eyes widened. "That explains your bags.." I half laughed "yeah.."

She grinned. Is she laughing at me?

"Well I guess that means you'll have to stay at my house! I'll take care and be responsible for you from now on!" Huh?!" I jumped up. "Do you really mean that?!" She smirked "You heard me. And don't even think about declining, I don't take no for an answer." My heart felt oddly warm inside. "But why..would you do that for me..?" She shrugged. "Because I like you." I was shocked. "That's it?" She nodded her head. "You make me want to help you. You're nice, pretty and cool." Her words made me a bit red in the face. "Thanks so much miss-" She cut me off by putting a finger to my mouth— gesturing me to shush. Hm?" I questioned. Did I say something wrong?

She paused and then winked. Her words made my eyes widen. "You can just call me Mitsuki, Mitsuki Bakugo."

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