(50) Sick Bakugou

978 14 15


Before I knew it, it was already the next day and as usual I was getting ready for school.

As I exited the bathroom I heard stained groans followed by loud coughs that echoed the wall. Bakugo? I darted down the hallway into our room and slammed the door open.

I huffed. "What's wrong? Are you alright?" He didn't answer.

"Hold on..!" I swiftly slid down onto the edge of the bed next to him and laid my hand gently on his forehead. "Katsuki, you're burning up, holy shit!"

He griped out between sniffles, the rumble of his voice even raspier than usual. I stared at the 2ft pile of tissues near the side of the bed and back at his messier than normal, ash blonde spikes. "Katsuki...you should have called me earlier if you felt sick!" "Tch," He shifted to the other side of the bed to avoid my gaze. "Who the fuck said I'm sick?!" 

"Are you stupid?!" I stood up, twitching my eye in annoyance. "Stop being stubborn and face the fact that you are sick! Look at you!" He groaned, opening and closing his eyes as I ran to the cabinet, pulling out the thermometer, a wet rag and some medicine.

"Here," I opened the cap to the medicine bottle and poured some into his mouth as he coughed back a few curses. "M-Move it y/n, I have to go train.." 

I pushed him back down on the bed. "No! Not until you get better.." "But-" He protested. "I'm not going to repeat myself!" "Fine.." He eased back down into the bed flustered as multiple drops of sweat dripped down his face, weakening his state. 

From the corner of my eye I caught a glimpse of the tiny sparks that came out of his hand. "What was that?! It was so tiny! PFTTT!" I laughed harder as a ripple of smothered laughter circled the room and I fell to the ground, clutching my stomach. "HAHAHAA!!" 

"S-Shut the hell up..!" He yelled as he sunk back into the warmth of the covers, shivering and embarrassed. "What the hell is this..? I feel hot and cold at the same time.."

I giggled. "Is it your first time having the flu or something? You just have the chills."

I reached out to double-check his temperature but he just swatted my hand away, rolling himself into a ball under the covers as red flushed his face. "I'm fine...just go away.." I rolled my eyes. "Fine, if you don't need me then I'm leaving." As I attempted to walk out the door, I felt someone tug at my wrist, and I heard the mumble of Bakugo's weak voice. 

"I lied...can you stay? I need you.." He paused and looked up at me with beady eyes. "Please.." 

A surprised smile creeped up onto my face, as he motioned for me to come closer with a cute pout on his face while he clutched his pillow bringing it up to his chest. My mind was in a daze. Did he really just say please?  

I teased. "You're such a baby, you know that?" I bent down and brushed away the hair that was plastered to his forehead from his fever. 

"Wait here, I'm going to call Mina so she can tell Mr. Aizawa we'll be absent today." 

Just as I was about to pull out my phone, I felt his muscular arm wrap around my waist, pulling me down into him with the strength that was just so Bakugou.

"Hey!" As I was dragged under the covers against his bare chest, I blushed. He was much warmer than what I expected. "Let go of me, I don't want to get sick!" 

I tried to wiggle out of his grip, but when I saw his helpless pleading expression, I gave in, sighing and looping my arm under his head and smiling as he wiggled his way into my side, head on my beating chest. "If I get sick you better do the same for me!" I ran my slender fingers through his hair every now and then, lost in the steady beat of my fingers brushing his ash blonde locks back before sighing deeply and falling asleep with him.

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