(54) Rejection

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I sat on the bench in front of our meeting place and looked around. "CA National Park..this is it.." I checked the time on my phone. "7:49..I'm still early.."

My brain wandered into my memories of earlier today when I confessed to Bakugo and got straight up rejected. I sighed heavily and looked up at the glowing stars. "Gosh," I wiped the tears from my eyes. "I'm so stupid... None of the moments we had before really mattered..I was just being led on..by someone who never even considered my feelings at all! ...I hate this!" 

Denki's voice caught me by surprise. "Y/n?" "O-Oh," I stood up in alarm. "How much of that did you hear...?" He shrugged, "Pretty much all of it.." I turned away from him but he took a step closer to me and traced his fingers down my sides. "It's okay...you don't have to worry about him because I'll never make you feel that way.." My eyes widened. 

"Denki...what are you trying to say..?"

He picked up my hands. "Y/n I'm in love with you and I have been from the first time I laid my eyes on you. There aren't any words to explain it... Will you be my girlfriend?"

"I-" My eyes widened momentarily before I smiled sympathetically at him, reaching to pat his head. "Denki, thank you for liking me, but I'm still in love with him." He stuttered. "I can make you forget all about him! I swear! Just give me one chance!" 

I shook my head. "No..I'm sorry, even if I did somehow lose those feelings..I'm pretty sure I would just fall in love with him all over again. And I can't do that to you.." He incredulously took a step away from me, nearly falling backwards. "Did I even have a chance?" I paused. "You did..but.." His soft expression morphed into a cold stare. "Choose Y/n. It's me or him." 

I frowned. "Please don't make me choose..I want to have you both in my life..!" He raised his voice, clutching his heart. "CHOOSE! There can only be one person in your heart! Y/n...choose me..please..don't choose him.." I hung my head low and stared down at the ground. "I know it probably seems pretty pathetic of me..after just getting rejected myself but..I'm sorry Denki, I don't want to choose..because if I had to, I'd choose Bakugo.

It's him and it's always been him. His hothead, his mean but disguised words, caring actions, and his rare smile. It's never been anyone else..I'm sorry."

"Y/N!" I quickly whipped my head around, recognizing this harsh voice. 


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