(16) Bakugo's Backstory?

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"The third?! What do you mean by the third?! Who were the other two?!?!" I whisper shouted while taking a quick glance around the room to make sure Bakugo wasn't around. There were actually other people Bakugo listened to?

The smile that once plastered against Mitsuki's face now turned into a frown. She hesitated. "E-Eri...and..." She clenched her fists. Whoa. "I-It's okay..you don't have to tell me if you don't want to..I understand." "No." She said firmly. "You deserve to know." "E-Eri and...Toga."

I gasped. "Toga, as in Toga from the League Of Villians?!!?" She nodded her head. "H-how did they know each other..?" I asked.

She took in a deep breathe and gestured for me to sit down. "I guess it's time I told you a bit about Bakugo's backstory and why he is the way he is now. He wasn't always like that. Angry and ego driven." I listened intently. "Go on."

She took a deep breath. "I'll start from Midoriya, Izuku Midoriya." She said. "The one from my class?" I raised an eyebrow. "Yes, him."

.  .  .  .  .

"When Bakugo and Izuku were younger they were the best of friends. They bonded over our number #1 hero, All Might and Izuku came over almost every weekend. It seemed as if they were almost inseparable. Until...a new girl showed up. Her name was Toga. In a way she was similar to you. Nice, funny, pretty and above all fierce—just the kind of person Bakugo's into. At some point as you can imagine, Bakugo fell in love with her." Bakugo? In love? Ain't no way...

"But one problem." Huh? "She was obsessedddd with Izuku and she never payed attention to Bakugo at all. It was always 'Izuku this, or Izuku that.' She cut him out from her life.

One day, on the day of her birthday Bakugo told he liked her...but of course, she never felt the same way. She told him that she was in love with Izuku and that Bakugo will never be better than him."I gasped and covered my mouth. "That day, I'll never forget that day. He ran home and cried. Bakugo had never cried once before that day." I was intrigued. "What happened after?" She trailed off. "Bakugo just became a different person. He was angry all the time and he even started bullying Izuku. Because of what she told him he started feeling like he always had to be the best at things and that he had to become more attractive. That's why he is the way he is now...so please don't be too hard on him." I glanced back at Bakugos bedroom door. All those feelings hidden behind anger, pushed down deep within his heart. Well at least I know your not completely heartless, Katsuki.

I frowned and thought back. "The second person." "Huh?" She said. "You said there was someone else. Who was the person." She sighed and looked at the ground. "Oh right..My daughter Eri..Bakugo's younger sister."

My eyes widened. What?!

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