(35) My Girl

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It's only been five minutes since he dragged me into the pitch-black alleyway, yet it seemed like an hour had gone by.

The man had already taken off my top and now I could feel the chilled wind against my skin. "P-Please l-leave me alone.." I clenched my eyes shut as a tear dripped down my cheek.

Suddenly, a huge body dropped from the sky and landed with a thudding noise between us as the man stretched out to grab my chest once again. 

Despite my best attempts, I was unable to make out this person's figure through the dense clouds of smoke that were now engulfing them.

I didn't have to, though, because his voice and caramel scent made everything clear. The smoke clouds had now begun to clear, and I could now make out the irritated veins that were nearly protruding from his skull. "Bakugo?" He drew me behind him and extended a shielding arm in front of me, glaring the man down. "I'll say this once and only once. HANDS OFF MY GIRL."

My fast paced heart had nearly stopped at his words making me finally realize the difference between him and Denki. Denki could make my heart skip a beat... but Bakugo? 

He could give me a whole ass heart attack.

The man chuckled and pressed the gun on the center of Bakugo's heart. "Any last words kid?" Bakugo scoffed. "Yeah..wrong move." Before he could pull the trigger on the gun, Bakugo used his explosion quirk, sending the man flying threw the brick wall. 

"Tch, I'm not done fucking with you yet— sick bastard!" He picked him up by the collar of his shirt, clenching his other fist. "Don't let me see you again!" The man nodded as he scrambled away, tripping over himself a few times. As he disappeared out of sight, Bakugo turned towards me. He was so livid that I expected him to lash out at me or yell at me for being so careless. 

But instead, he pulled me into a tight hug, releasing the tension that was once in my shoulders. 

"I thought I...lost you..." I could've sworn that a tear dripped from his eye. "Awwww!!!" I grinned as I patted his head. "Haha..so you did miss me!" "What?!" He recollected himself and pulled away from me, wiping off the tears from his face. "Why would I?! Are you insane?"

For a moment he glanced down at my chest as his eyebrows furrowed. It got quiet. "Y/n.. No matter what, no matter the situation..make sure that no guy touches you like that.. And if they try, stall them for as long as possible until I show up and beat their ass." I raised an eyebrow. "How do I know that you will show up?" He finally made eye contact with me. "I always will."

As we walked down the street I shuddered at a slight breeze that whooshed past my body. 

He started taking off his hoodie. "W-What are you doing?" He chuckled. "Relax, dumbass. You only have a tank top on and I don't want you walking the streets like that." He looked up at the night sky as he handed me his sweatshirt. I slipped it on over my head. Whoa..it's soft..and it smells really good... I glanced back at him. "Th-Thankyou but aren't you cold..?" I asked.

He looked me over. "Hell yeah." 

A short gasped exited my throat when he suddenly put his hand in my pocket and pulled me closer to him. "That's why you'll have to stay closer to me."

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