(79) Big News

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As we walked out of the building still in an utter state of shock, we were crowded by reporters pointing cameras and bright flashes into our faces as they spoke." Ms. Y/n can you tell us about your experi-" *click click* "Bakugo how does it feel to-" *click* "How are you coping with-"

I felt someone's hand grab my shoulder. "Get off me!" I screamed, brushing their hand off. Lucky for us, just as we were about to be cornered, six men in black suits surrounded us, pushing away the reporters. "That's enough." I turned to Bakugo looking for answers but as we made eye contact I realized he was just as startled as I was. 

After, a few minutes the area was clear. 

I quickly grabbed one of the man's arms. "Wait, who are you?" His face was dead serious and he had a scar over the bridge of his nose. I scanned him down. He had tanned skin, was muscularly built, and wore dark sunglasses which made it hard for me to search his eyes. 

"Midnight didn't tell you?" I shook my head, his deep voice throwing me off. "We've been appointed to the both of you as your bodyguards." Bakugo yanked my hand off his wrist and scoffed. "Tch, bodyguards? Like we need any of that." 

"Bakugo-" I clenched my teeth. "Be nice." He rolled his eyes and the man sighed. "I'll ignore the Pomeranian on your right." "Excuse me?!" Bakugo was practically fuming. "Hey! Who the hell are you calling a Pomeranian?!" The man continued on. "I'm Maurice," He pointed to the other men behind him. "This is Marcus, Micheal, Mason, Maximus and Myles. As your personal bodyguards, we are to follow you around, shield you from reporters and prepare to lay or lives down for you. However, we will only be your bodyguards in certain public spaces. 

Like Hero HeadQuarters for example." 

"Whoa," I grabbed the business card he held at the tip of his fingers while adding all their numbers to my phone in case of an emergency. "Okay, this is actually awesome. Thanks Maurice! We'll be heading home now. Enjoy the rest of your day!"

Without turning back, we walked down the block to the park.

Bakugo's face was twisted in all types of distasteful expressions. He mumbled.."stupid bald headed ass..I'll show you.. think you can touch my girl-" I smacked him over the head. "Oh cut it out Suki! They were only trying to help us out, that's their job- ..mm!" My eyes widened and my cheeks puffed as I frantically looked around for the nearest trashcan and quickly sprinted in its direction. I tried desperately to cover my mouth but ended up hurling into the garbage. 

"What the hell?" Bakugo patted my back. "Are you sick or something? I'll carry you back home, c'mon." My head was spinning and my throat burned. I managed to mumble one word, "Hurry."



I threw her down on the couch, while she broke out into cold sweat and clenched her stomach. "Eri!! Hurry down! Y/n's sick!" I put my hand over her forehead, this was all too sudden and I felt like panicking. "What do you think happened..?!!? Food poisoning?!" She covered her eyes and groaned, turning over to lay on her stomach. "I dunno..maybe just get me some medication or something..." I thought back to the other night. "Y/n what if- you know...you're preg-" Eri landed at the foot of the stairs. "If she's what?" Me and Y/n shared a worried glance. "Nothing. Let's just  go to the doctor first before we make any assumptions."

Eri's expression softened. "I'll bring sissy to the car okay?" I patted her hair. "Thank you..that would be great." As soon as the two of them left the room, I made a quick call to Kirishima. *beep* *beep* C'mon pick up....pick upppp

After what felt like hours, I finally heard Kirishima's deep voice through the sound of the mic. "Hey bro, what's up." I took a deep breath then exhaled. "Ejiro...be honest with me. D-Do you think it's possible to I dunno...let's say get pregnant the day after..ya know.." He chuckled over the phone. "I would say no but you can make explosions out of your sweat and I can harden my body so that it's stronger than steel..so anything's possible I guess." "Shit.." 

"Why do you ask- OH MY GOD. DID YOU?" "Yeah.. it was the day after mom died..I was vulnerable and it just happened-" Eri called. "Suki!! We're ready..!" "One sec!" I rubbed the back of my neck and smacked myself in the face. "Katsu, I've gotta go too. Call me again for an update, alright? If anything, I'll be there for you..so you have to be there for her..See ya." 

I hung up the phone and ran to the car. "Everyone strapped in? I'm gonna speed." Eri gave me a thumbs up. "Yep!" I turned back to the wheel and mumbled "perfect.." just as I took off.

I was completely lost in thought, which is normally one of Y/n's habits. 

Shit...I'm scared...but I'm also excited...being a dad.. that doesn't sound too bad.. 

Apparently, Y/n seemed to be thinking the same thing as me because she blurted out, "Suki! I-If we do ya know..have a kid...I hope they're exactly like you.." Why exactly like me..?  My eyes widened and my cheeks flushed from embarrassment so instead of replying back to her.. I stared straight ahead at the cars in front of us and covered my mouth to force back my smile. 

Eri perked up. "I wanna be an Aunty!!", making Y/n giggle in the backseat. "We'll see.."


"Wow, long time no see! Bakugo, I haven't seen you since you were a baby!" I clenched my fists. "Cut the greetings and just give her an HCG test. We don't have time for this." He snickered. "Still as grumpy as ever. And an HCG test...for the lovely lady on your right? I wonder what your mom has to say about this...she must be really excited-" "She's dead."

He paused. "S-She's what-?" "I'm not gonna repeat myself again Dave. Give her the test." He gestured to Y/n. "O-Okay come with me love." 

I tried following Y/n into the room but he stopped me. "Only family is allowed in the room. Rules are rules." I started glaring daggers at him when Y/n's voice caught me off guard. "It's okay Suki..I'll be fine." "Damn you," I grunted. "We'll be outside."

Me and Eri sat outside the door on the wooden benches, trying hard to listen in, but it was no use. The rooms were soundproof. I tapped my foot continuously on the ground and bit my fingernails-- my anxiety building up. Was she positive? Was she negative?

Eri held my hand tight. "Suki-kun..a-are you worried..?" I looked down at the floor. "Yeah Eri, I am.. If she does come out positive then what do I even say..?! Fuck...will I even be a good dad..?" "Ouch!" Eri kicked me hard in the shin, which was quite unusual considering her normal sweetness. "S-Stop thinking so hard alright..?! Y-You'll be fine because..I'll be there to help you out..so you don't make any stupid mistakes! If sissy comes out and she says she's positive..all you have to say is you'll be there for her... and mean it..! Kacchan..you know...I'm not just a little girl anymore.." I ruffled her hair and gave her my brightest smile. "You're right.. you're not.." 

As we heard the slight creak of the door open Eri and I quickly turned our heads to Y/n and Dave who were walking out of the room. "What's wrong..?!" I ran up to Y/n who was covering her stomach and looking down at the floor. "I'm positive..." My eyes widened. 

"WOOHOO! I'M GONNA BE AN AUNTYYYYY!" Eri screamed aloud yet it was like I barely heard it. My brain was focused on Y/n and Y/n only.

"I-I'm so sorry..Suki.." A tear dropped from her eye and without even thinking about it..I pulled her close. "Sorry? Why the hell are you sorry for?" She sniffled. "Aren't you mad..?" I squeezed her tighter. "No...I think I'm actually a little excited.. to have one of my own.." When she didn't reply I went on. "At first...I was pretty scared because I have no idea how to handle children..but I want to be a good dad for you..and that little one.. I'll put in all my effort and be there when you need me..alright? So don't worry about me and just smile okay?" 

"Okay..." Her eyes lit up and her smile bloomed like sweet cherry blossoms. 

I kissed her forehead and spun her around. "That's my girl!"

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