Chapter One

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This morning when I woke up I had one of those pounding headaches, you know the ones where if you move a centimeter your head fights back like a drum? Yeawell that was my situation, probably shouldn't have drank all that wine lastnight but I couldn't help myself, and plus my drunk personality is much more social than my normal one which is the reason I even have friends. Senior yearis really starting out great I guess.

Today is my second week of school and I already can't wait to graduate. I can'twait to leave this place and start a new.
"Sweetie did you sleep okay?" My mom asks from the drivers seat, were on ourway to school and yes as an 18 yr old in her senior year of high school I stillcan't drive. I got my permit sophomore year and my dad taught me a little bitbut after he died everything stopped and I never learned. I asked my mom toteach me but she's always busy, always working, always doing something andthe only time I get to talk to her is right now as she drives me to school, whichshe never has time to do anyway. Probably should start taking the bus butbeing surrounded by horny annoying teenagers in a place I can't get awaysounds much more horrifying than this.

"Yea mom I'm okay" I lie. I don't have a very good relationship with my mom and telling her about the little details of my life makes me anxious, I don't know what she'll do or say about it so I don't tell her anything. It didn't always used to be that way but our lives and our relationship changed after dad.
There's a bump in the road that makes us hop off our seats" You just seem quiet today that's all" forcing a small grin I look over at her "I'm okay mom just tired" We make our last turn and there we are.

Hawkins High School.

When we arrive at the drop off I open the door and jump out
"ANGIIIEEE" and there she is my best friend Rose. After we embrace in our
unusual early morning greeting I walk with her over to where our friends are parked. I wave hi to all of them when George is the first to speak "yo Angela you ready for the science test today?" George is Roses boyfriend they've been together since eighth grade when her mom forgot to pick us up and George convinced his dad to drive us home. I don't like him that much but if he makes Rose happy them I'm happy. "Oh my god is that today? Already?" I say I totally forgot about he test " yes its today goof" he pulls me in a side hug "I texted you about it last night". My phone died during last night shenanigans so l havnt
checked it all, its at home charging. "My phones dead I havnt seen it"
"All right get your hands off my girlfriend" Steve climbs out of the vehicle, white t shirt and jeans with a cigarette in hand he looks pretty dreamy. He grabs my hand and starts walking toward the school, while he lights his cigarette he asks "so how do you feel after last night? I know it was pretty rough"

Steve has been my boyfriend since sophomore year. I don't really remember how it happened except for is being at a party me getting seriously drunk and him driving me home.... The rest is history. The good part is I really like him and he likes me.

'I'm feeling pretty good I just have a huge migraine"
"I thought you might say that" Steve says and we stop walking. Stood in the middle of the parking lot he digs in his pocket and hands me two pills. "Advil. It should help". He looks around frantically until his eyes land on a kid carrying his lunch box. " Hey kid!" The boy stops and looks at him with fear in his eyes
"Come over here!" Steve yells.
The kid makes his way over he couldn't be more than 15. Steve points to the lunchbox "you got any water in there?" The boy frantically shakes his head yes "well hand it over" Steve says. The boy is shaking as he trys to zip open the lunchbox "you know what just t-take the whole thing' the boy says and as he hands it over to Steve he runs away.
"OK what's was the point of that?" I ask. "Well you cant take those pills without something and I don't have any water" he says. Digging through the lunchbox he finds a koolaid jammer pouch and pulls it out "I guess you'll have to make this work" and I take it pour the pills in my mouth and wash them down with the koolaid.

Smiling i take Steve hand and we walk into school.

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