Chapter Twenty

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Walking around the attic and suddenly my flashlight starts to glow, i know it was glowing before but its really bright now like really.

"Steve?" i turn to show Steve but the glow goes away but travels to Steves flashlight. "Whats-" "shh" Steve stops me from talking, "i think hes moving" he says and then starts walking in the direction the light is traveling.

"Who?" i question louder than i intended, Steve shushes me louder this time "Shhhhh!" i obey and follow him, im not sure whats going on but i want to find out.

Reaching the middle of the attic Steves flashlight shines the brightest its ever been, when i look at mine its also shined brightly. "He's here" Steve says looking at his light and then up the ceiling "who?" i ask again, quieter this time "Vecna" Steve says and i don't reply i just stand there with Steve and stare at the lights. "Go get the others" he waves his hand backwards towards the steps, when i dont move he looks at me and says not loud but louder "go" and i run as quietly as i can down the steps.

When i reach the lower level i run down the hall and open every door looking for Max and her group, really im just looking for any person. I open the last door which by the looks of it im assuming its a bedroom, i find find Max looking at the details on the bed sheets. "Max you have to come with me i think we found something" and then i walk away assuming she'll follow.

I turn around quickly and i was right shes only a few feet away from me now "tell the others too" and she nods her head. I run down to the bottom floor and without looking i just yell their names "Nancy!" "Robin!" it takes a few seconds but Nancy walks out from the kitchen and when she sees me she walks towards me "what!?" and then i explain to her we found something upstairs and to come up and also tell Robin. She nods he head and then i run back up the attic.

I find Max, Dustin, Eddie and Steve all gathered around the flashlight in the middle of the room. Steve put it on the floor now and everyone is sat in a circle surrounding it. I take an empty spot next to Max and stare at the light like everyone else.  A few minutes later Nancy and Robin walk up the stairs "what the hell?" Robin says and Steve has to once again loudly "Shhhh!" and Nancy and Robin take the last empty spaces around the light.

When we've all gathered Steve begins to say in a whisper "when we got up here the lights started to glow and i immediately knew it was Vecna, he moved to this spot and hasn't moved since." We all look at him in disbelief

"Why are we whispering?" i ask Steve is a whisper, he looks at me "I think hes here like right here" he points the the ground "in the upside down, and in afraid if we make too much noise he might hear us"

More silence from all of us until Nancy says "so what do we do?" in a whisper, we're all sticking to the whispering thing. Steve begins again "we go in" after a long pause he says "if my thinking is correct when we go back to this house he should be right here" I see everyone look around not knowing what to say.

Eddie speaks this time "thats crazy, we don't know what else could be in there" Steve says "thats not true we know exactly whats there we've been there before".
"But not fighting the man who created it.. we dont know what he will do" Eddie says
Dustin speaks "i agree with him Steve how do we know this is safe?"
"We don't, it's definitely not safe but we have to try"

Nancy nods her head "hes right we have to try, i mean we did go through a lot to even get here we might as well finish this" i agree to that "shes right". Eddie looks at me shocked

"We stick to the plan, we do what have to and then we get out okay? no saving shit alright?" Steve asks us all and we all say "right" all at the same time. But i look to Eddie and he looks at me and we make that face that maybe this isnt such a good idea.

𝐈 𝐃𝗼𝐧𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now