Chapter Thirteen

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Eddie fell asleep at the table a few minutes after our chat. With his head down and arm spread across the table, i pinch his wrist to wake him up.

Nothing. He doesn't move, i look out the window and we're still a ways bit away from the war zone. I slap his hand this time and he jolts awake. Head flying up and eyes wide, he looks like he just saw a ghost.

I laugh at that reaction, "sheesh Munson you catch a ghost or something?" i say sarcastically, he rubs his eyes "what time is it?" I look down at my phone and click the on button "5:37" i respond.

"Damn are we still not there yet?" he turns his head abruptly to drivers seat at Steve "Harrington mind speeding it up a little!?" he says oddly loud so Steve can hear.

Steve looks at him through the windshield mirror and Nancy turns her head around the seat to look at him fully. "We're almost there don't get your panties in a bunch" Steve yells to Eddie.

Eddie looks back and shakes his head as he mumbles something i cant hear underneath his breath "yea don't get your panties twisted Munson, we're almost there" i say to him. He looks up at me with just his eyes and smirks "im not" he looks down then back up with his eyes and i lean forward "why are you stressed?" "im not" he replies.

"You so are" i tease and he leans forward. We're inches away from each other i can practically feel his breath on my lips, and the next time he speaks is a whisper. "Why do you care?" I smirk "its just funny to see you all worked up over a slow driver".

He whispers "he is a very slow driver" and i catch myself staring at his lips. "Always has been" i say and then sit back down normally in my seat.

Eddie still leaning forward licks his lips and eyes my now visible cheerleading uniform. He looks back up to my eyes and realizes i saw that look and he gently leans back and looks out the window. Thought he was playing it cool.

A few minutes later Steve announces "We are here! Finally, everyone out!" And we all stand and make our way to the door. Steve stops Eddie on the way out and says "See wasnt worth the temper tantrum now was it?" Eddie gets visibly upset about that and reply's with "it wasnt a temper tantrum Harrington, more like a taste of boredom" and Steve laughs.

I turn to Eddie and go "aw panties bunched?" and when he looks back at me i realize how close we actually are and once again my eyes are trained to his lips. "Getting a little tight in there now" Eddie replies looking at my lips as well, and i catch his thumb slide across the crotch of his pants.

"Okay everybody" Steve looks at all of us lined up on the sidewalk and starts explaining the rules of our raid "we go in, grab everything Robin and Nancy wrote down on the list, and we get the hell out of there. Clear?" We all nod in unison. "Okay lets go" and we speed walk into the store.

Inside the place is really living up to its name, it is a war zone. On one side you got guns and spears and on the other theres bow and arrows, knives. Theres rows upon rows of weapons and basically anything that could kill something, its here.

The plan was when we got here to split up and thats what we did. Its me and Nancy, Dustin and Eddie, and Steve and Robin.

Me and Nancys mission was to locate the guns and get the one or ones we think would work the best. Eddie and Dustin are hitting the nails and Knives, and Robin, Steve and Max are getting the fire equipment like gasoline and matches and stuff like that.

Me and Nancy see a big sign the the left with the word "GUNS" on it so we head over in that direction, the rest of the group splits up in their own directions.

Im not educated in the world of guns so i let Nancy take control here "can i see the one on the top right?" she asks the guy at the counter. "Yup" and he goes to the back to get the gun. So that gives us a few moments alone and i have to say im kinda scared of Nancy. She intimidates me a little and we haven't ever spoken to each other, but i don't want that to get in the way of anything. Shes kind of saving my life so i feel entitled to get to know her, even just a little.

"So whats going on with you and Steve?" i cringe just as i say it, i really dont want to know anything about her and Steve, and i dont want to talk about Steve at all.

She looks at me a little shocked like she wasn't expecting me to say anything but she says "good" and looks back at the wall.

I nod my head and look away too. I was hoping for her to say an actual response or something i could respond to so i could get to know her better, or just start a conversation i dont know ive never talked to her.

We've been standing in silence for a while and im praying this gun guy comes back soon so i can get away from this. "How are things with you and Eddie?" Nancy asks me.

Trying not to look shocked that she just asked me that out of nowhere i cant help but look shocked because she asked me THAT, and there's nothing between me and Eddie. "Theres nothing with me and Eddie" i reply probably a bit to fast "oh sorry i thought you guys were together" she says back still looking at the wall.

" No we're just friends" i pause "and he did save me from dying so" Nancy looks over at me now "oh he was the one there with you?" she says kind of surprised "yup" i say "its a long story how i got there and everything so lets just stick with yea"

Nancy looks back at the wall covered in guns in front of her "its funny though" she pauses "the way he looks at you i just thought you were dating"

The gun guy comes back as soon as she finishes that sentence. But im not listening to anything he says im focused on that one sentence the way he looks at you i just thought you were dating.

I keep trying to write longer chapters but my brain runs out of what to say half way through.

𝐈 𝐃𝗼𝐧𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now