Chapter Seventeen

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After rolling back and forth for what felt like eternity I give up. I've been trying to fall asleep forever and I'm not going to let Eddie get the bed and I good nights rest if I can help it. Im going in there.

I stood up and walked to the bedroom door which was honestly two steps away, I thought about knocking but he should know better than to do anything inappropriate with other people just outside, especially cause some of those people are fourteen.

I'm expecting him to be asleep when I walk in anyway. The door is so hard to move out of its place in the wall so I'm struggling my hardest to open it. When I do I fly to the side a little in the direction i was pulling. Out of breath I walk right in to find Eddie as I expected asleep.

He's shirtless and he's laying on his stomach with his head turned to the left. I walk over to left of the bed where there's and empty spot and I see his tossed hellfire shirt.

Not wanting to touch it I grab the shirt with my two fingertips and toss it over Eddie and it lands on the floor next to him. Now thinking of it I really hope that's the only thing he took off, so before getting in the bed I gently raise the covers only enough to look below his waist and make sure he's got some sort of undergarments on. No way would I get in here if he had nothing covered no way!

I caught the slightest glance of his black skinny jeans and that's all the evidence I needed. Because of that I gently ease myself on to the bed, I just want to get some sleep and get out before he even notices, before anyone notices for that matter.

When I get my foot under the covers I keep glancing at him to make sure he's still asleep, and then I go slowly piece by piece being as slow and gentle as I can. When I get in fully and rest my back on the pillow behind me I feel him stir.

I sit as still as possible please don't wake up I repeat in my head. When he stops I lower myself further into the covers "I know your there" dammit I freeze again and scrunched my face thinking it will help, maybe he just talks in his sleep.

His side of the bed starts moving again and I don't move a muscle, maybe if I don't move he won't know that I'm here? "well well well, looks like you decided to join me" I open my eyes and I'm greeted with another pair of eyes, Eddie Munsons to be exact.

He's rolled over on his side facing me with his hand holding his head up off the pillow. I sigh "I couldn't sleep on the couch its too uncomfortable"
"Aw poor thing" he says with a frown

When I turn my eyes to the right to look at him he's making a puppy dog face at me but only until I sigh again and and he grins. I sit up how I was before with my back on the headboard and say to him "yea whatever I'm not in here because of you I just can't sleep and I thought maybe if I had a more comfortable surface I might" I look over at him and he's sat up straight like me now.

"Im fine sharing with you all you had to do was ask." I roll my eyes "yea whatever" I pause before saying "I just want to go to sleep"

"Well you can" Eddie says and I say back "no I can't!" And he says "why not!" And I scream out "I don't know!" I adjust my self in the bed before.I speak again "I just want to go home"

Eddie turns towards me so he's facing me "Can I ask you something?" I look at him and then I turn so I'm also facing him "I suppose" I reply and the he gathers composure as if he's about to ask something really important "do you think we're not gonna win this?"

I look him dead in eye and I'm completely serious when I say "I know we're not gonna win this" he looks taken aback from that answer but its the truth. He nods his head up and down and then says "I think that too"

I'm a bit shocked by that, he seemed so confident earlier when we were discussing details and when we were getting weapons. "Then why are we doing this?" I ask

𝐈 𝐃𝗼𝐧𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now