Chapter Six

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2 Hours Later

"So explain again what you saw" Steve says from across the room.

After my episode earlier i had a mental breakdown so Eddie and i sat on his couch and i explained to him what happened and what i saw. He didnt let me finish because every ten seconds he'd say "what!" and id have to repeat myself, so eventually i just stopped trying to explain. He doesn't believe me anyway.

So after all that, Eddie asked if i had any friends i could call and i said i didnt have my phone and i dont know they're numbers and we bickered back and forth for a while (mostly him making fun of me for not memorizing they're numbers, while i made it clear i almost died which he said made a fair point, ending with us both wondering what to do and Eddies shaky hands reaching for the phone to call the cops which i averted).

Eventually leaded me into me saying something about my friends not believing me and i dont know how George got brought up but Eddie said he knew him and he just called him up.

And leads us to now, George showed up a few minutes later and of course he told Rose and Steve so guess who came with him... my best friend and my bitchy boyfriend who i know for a fact wont believe any of this.

Im still confused on how George and Eddie know each other let alone where they live but that's besides the point.

"I just told you! im not going through it again" i yell, i explained this four times i swear

"Well im sorry i have a hard time understanding you were almost killed by a" steve uses finger quotes "slimy monster and this- this freak was here to so call rescue you!"

I start crying again and Eddie stands up walks toward Steve and says "look man i know its hard to understand but i swear thats what happened"

"Oh yea you just saw her fly into the air thats what you saw hm" Steve yells back, hands on his hips

"Yea i did! and maybe if you weren't so worried about your own life and more about your girlfriend you would know whats been going on with her and she wouldn't even be here right now! Maybe she'd be with you all wrapped up in your $200 sheets and you would've seen for yourself what just happened to Angela" Eddie looks back at me and with tears in my eyes i dont say anything. But i watch as Steve raises his fist and-

"You son of a bitch!" Steve punched him hard in his face and Eddie falls to the ground, i scream and Steve climbs on top of him and starts punching him some more.

"Stop!" i scream

George and Rose start pulling at Steve trying to get him off Eddie and it doesn't work, i just sit there wide eyed until Steve stops.. just stops and sits there on top of Eddie.

He looks at me, blood covering his hands "when you're ready to tell me why you're really here and what actually happened to you... ill be at home"

And he just got up and walked out the door

Rose and George helps Eddie off the floor and when hes stood he wipes blood off his lip and whispers "mother fucker" to himself

I still stay silent, im still sat on couch just staring trying to take everything in. Rose and George look from Eddie back to me. "Are you okay?" Rose asks
i nod yes

George grabs me by the arm and walks me out the door

"Wait" i say, trying to get out of his grasp

I cant leave Eddie, i need more time to explain. Hes the only one that was there, hes the only one who saw and maybe he could help me. I cant just leave him

George just keeps walking taking me with him

Rose is right behind us and when we get to Steves car she opens the opposite side door, gets in and dosnt say a word as i sit next to her.

Steve in drivers seat looks back at me through the front mirror. I can see the hate in his eyes- and maybe a little bit of heart break

He looks to George "should've just left her here" and George doesn't respond

So we drive away

𝐈 𝐃𝗼𝐧𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now