Chapter Nine

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Eddie explained we had to wait till after school so the rest of the day I've been in shambles. Scared of what Eddie has planned, scared that what he said is true.

At lunch Rose, George and I stuck to out normal plan and we had lunch together. Usually Steve is her but hes still mad so he went somewhere else to eat, probably jock friends, which I'm glad because I don't want to talk to him.

I finished explaining the whole thing. How I was having hallucinations and thought drugs would help and that's how I ended up at Eddies, then I explained what I saw when I almost died. It took almost a whole lunch period and i haven't eaten anything.

Rose and George look at me like I have two heads "I know its sounds crazy but thats the truth I swear."

Rose speaks first "Man and I thought you were just hooking up with Eddie Munson in his trailer" she smiles

"Does everyone think I slept with Eddie?" I say abnormally loud

George laughs "yea literally everyone thinks that"

"What do you mean everyone?" How would anyone know about this

"Well last night" George starts "when Steve walked himself home, he stopped at a Buddy's house and told him how he caught you cheating on him with Eddie Munson, and that you made up this story about how you almost died by a monster or something".

I almost spit out my juice " he told you this?"
"No some dude in my history class did" my jaw dropped
"I told you, everyone thinks you did the dirty with the freak"

I'm about to scream I can't believe Steve would not only not trust me but that he made up a rumor about me and spread it across the whole school.
"I'll kill him" I say
"Woah don't put this on Steve I mean we all thought the same thing, just tell him what you told us" rose says
"Well considering how last night went I don't think he'll believe me, I mean he couldn't even sit at the same lunch table as me"

"Where you toss balls into laundry baskets!" We look over and Eddie is standing on top a lunch table yelling at the basketball players
"Oh my god" I put my head in my hands
"You need something freak?!" Jason the basketball team captain screams back
Eddie sticks his tongue out and makes horns on his head with his fingers, then jumps off the table.

"Oh my god" I yell and gesture to Eddie "that! They think I slept with that?!"
"Pretty much yea" George says

I pick up my tray and carry it to the garbage
"There's little miss cheater" Jason yells at me, and loud enough the whole lunch room hears. "Why don't you go back to monster world" another kid yells
"Just go home you slut" another one yells

I put my tray on the belt and speed walk out of the cafeteria.
I head to the bathroom where I apparently spend a lot of time in this year

I open the stall lean over the toilet and cry

When I hear a knock at the door
"Ang are you in there?" Its Steve
I ignore him
"Look I just want to talk okay"
I say nothing
The door opens
"Why are you in the girls bathroom Steve?" I ask
I see his footsteps walk to the stall im in
"Come on please talk to me"
I stand up and open the door, I come face to face with him
"I'm sorry okay I just want to talk" he pleads
"I don't want to talk to you"
He grabs me by the arms gently pushes me back into the stall, he steps inside and closes the door behind us, locking us in the stall.
"Steve please just leave"
"No" he sits on the toilet seat while I stand in front of him
"Look those guys, they're jerks okay they're not my friends."
I just stare at him
"Look I was just trying to protect you I didn't mean for it to go like this"
"Oh really so when you told the whole school I slept with Eddie Munson and then let them bully me in there you were just protecting me?"
"Well why did you do it?" He stands now leaving very little room in between us

"So you think its true? You think I cheated on you with Eddie Munson?"
"Yea that exactly what I think Angela because why else were you in his trailer?"
"You expect me to believe that?" He scoffs
"Yes I do Steve! As my boyfriend I expect you to believe my bullshit that's a shocker"
"I don't believe in something that was clearly made up!"

I start crying again
"I'm not lying, and if you would actually listen to me maybe you'd understand"
Steve grabs my shoulders "Maybe if you tell the truth I could understand it more"
I pull his arms off of me and and exit the stall "I am telling the truth Steve!"
He exits after me "you're not!"
"How would you know that? You weren't there?!"
He keeps walking closer to me and I'm backed up against the sink
"That's the problem Angie I wasn't there! If you needed help you should've just asked me!"
I push him back a little "and how would you help me huh?!" I'm yelling now "what would you have done!"
He's quiet now

"We're done" I finish and I walk out the bathroom door
He dosnt try to follow me

My last four periods were fun, just a lot of stares and laughs behind my back. Typical high school

After school I met Eddie where we agreed when I ran into him earlier. Behind the school

I walked as fast as I could trying to avoid anyone I know asking where I'm going and also just any more bullies trying to make my day even worse.

When I walk up to the truck Eddie is already in the front seat
"How'd you get out here that fast?" I ask
He pulls his sunglasses down below his eyes and smiles "oh I'll never tell" and he puts his sunglasses back on his eyes

I hope in the passenger seat and I get was weird sense of nostalgia

"So where is this magical friend of yours?" I ask

Eddie glances at me puts the truck in drive and says "um let's just say he's got a curfew"

And we drive off

𝐈 𝐃𝗼𝐧𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now