Chapter Twenty Nine

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Steve drives up to Eddies trailer where every one is waiting for him. "All good?" Eddie asks him and Steve replies "yea". Eddie was waiting for him outside along with Dustin and when he arrived all three of the boys walked inside to find Nancy and Robin putting the finishing touches on their outfits.
"What? If I'm gonna fight I'm gonna look good doing it" Robin says after she catches the blank stares and Steve rolling his eyes as he shuts the door behind him.

Eddie retied his black bandana around his head and walks up to the sheet hanging from the ceiling. He pulls on it making sure it still holds, then he turns around facing the others and asks "are we ready?" And everyone nods so he takes that as cue to go, so he climbs up the sheet like he did last time and lands on his back where the mattress was left in the same place for a smooth landing.

When he sits up and moves off the bed the others throw down his trash can shield and their recently makeshift spear, made from a branch and a sharp price of metal. Eddie grabs those off the mattress and then Dustin climbs down landing on the mattress. After him the others throw more weapons down and then one after another the rest of the group all climb into the upside down.

After the last person lands on he mattress Nancy says "okay split up" and she walks over to Steve and Robin while Dustin and Eddie stay together. From different sides of the room Steve says "okay we all meet back here"
"Got it" Dustin says and then Steve leads Robin and Nancy out of the trailer but before they leave Eddie runs to the door "wait Steve" he says hen runs down the steps and pulls Steve into a big hug.

"Good luck" Eddie whispers into Steve's neck and when they pull apart Steve says to him "you too man" and then they part ways as Eddie makes his way back into the trailer where Dustin is waiting for him.

"Alright" Eddie says to Dustin as he closes the door "let's kick some ass" and Dustin smiles.

Eddie turns in the opposite direction and gestures for Dustin to follow him, he's going towards his bedroom. When he gets there he opens the door and let's out a big gasp "would you look at that Henderson, its like she was made for an alternate dimension" he's referring to his guitar hanging on his wall. Both him and Dustin make their way over to the wall where Eddie grabs his electric guitar.

Eddie and Dustin have now arrived to their destination, its an old building that they've never seen before but it looks like the perfect height they need to pull off this scene.

They biked the whole way here, which wasn't very long but they still feel a bit tired out from it. But when they find this building they throw their bikes on the ground and find a way to the roof where they need to be. Dustin went inside and luckily found a ladder leading straight to the roof. The ladder is connected to the wall and its in the back but this place is all one room so just furthest to the right and in the corner. The place is empty there's nothing to give them any hint to what this place might've been.

Dustin has speakers in his hands and Eddie has the guitar on his back and they climb up the ladder Dustin in front.

When they reach the top Dustin gently places the speakers down on the roof and when Eddie reaches the top he hands Dustin the guitar and Dustin connects the cord to the speakers.

"Its a go!" Dustin yells to Eddie and he pulls the guitar pick out of his pocket gives it a kiss and take a deep breath in before starting the song with a few chords. Eddie chose master of puppets by metallica to play and although Dustin doesn't know the song he somehow likes it.

Eddie plays the chords and Dustin turns up the speakers to full volume so everything can hear, thats what they need.

Little do the know 20 feet away the music reaches the ears of demobats and they are flying towards the sounds.

𝐈 𝐃𝗼𝐧𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now