Chapter Fifteen

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We drove a few miles when we came across an open field. Steve drove off road and into the grass when we came to an opening.
Steve said something to Nancy, quiet enough that i couldn't hear and when she nodded her head he stopped.

Still sat at my seat at the table i slided the curtain on the widow next to me over so i could see outside. It was a small view because the curtain couldn't open that much but all i saw was trees, and grass. We were parked in the middle of nowhere.

I cleared my throat "Steve?" i asked as i looked up to where his seat is and he's stood now and walking towards the door. "What?" he says back with bit of attitude, i lean my arms on the table and lean forward "where exactly are we?" i ask on behalf of everybody because Robin,Max and Dustin seem as confused as i am in the back seat. They keep looking out the back window, Eddie is sat in front of me and it looks like he has no concern in the world.

Steve opens the door "just get out of the car" and he walked out the door.

I look at Eddie in front of me with my eyes widened and mouth slightly open "do you believe this guy?"

Eddie stands and walks towards the door as he sighs. When he exits i stand up and look behind me where the rest of the group is slowly making their way outside. "Whats up with Dingis?" Robin asks me while pointing towards Steves direction with her thumb, i shrug "i have no clue."

We all got outside and immediately spread out, Steve yells across the field "thought we could use some rest!"

I wanted to run up and tell him we might not have time for rest, don't we have to keep going? isn't there a place we need to be? But again i don't want to talk to Steve, i'm still mad at him and i know he's still upset with me, so i drop it. Besides, if this mission was entirely important as he says it is then we wouldn't be stopping. So i think I'm okay, this doesn't sound real to me maybe they just wanted some time away from home, and I'm okay with that.

On the right side of the field Eddie and Dustin are using their nails to create a shield of some kind, i watch as they hammer nails into a trash can lid.

On the left theres Nancy and Steve of course, i don't watch them for long, i don't want anybody to think i'm jealous. Im far from it actually, i don't have any feelings for Steve at all and Nancy seems really cool, i like her and they fit together perfectly. I wonder why they broke up in the first place?

They're on the ground and Nancy has the gun we bought and shes sawing it with some kind of tool... I don't know what it is. I don't know what the plan with that is either.

Robin and Max are somewhere in the middle and they are cleaning old whiskey bottles. Oh yea we bought those too! We thought the easiest way to start a fire is obviously with alcohol so we bought some, got some paper and matches and when the time comes we put all three together and boom.

So i guess our stop was a purpose to get everything together. Maybe they are serious?

Im still standing right in front of the trailer and just as im about to move Dustin runs in front of me with his new hand made shield. Eddie runs past not too far after him with another shield like they're playing tag or something.

I watch them run down aways and back around, Eddie chasing Dustin. When they get back to me i say to them "oh my god you're children!" i have my arms crossed and Dustin runs back and stands a few feet from me  "Nuh uh we're just having fun" he says out of breath.

Just then Eddie runs up behind him grabs him but the shoulders and screams "gotcha!" he smiles big and laughs in Dustins face.

Dustin throws his shield on the ground aggressively "see Angela now you ruined the fun! and i lost!" He picks up the shield and walks off.

Eddie looks at him concerned "damn whats up with cranky?" he asks me

I sit on the step of the trailer that leads to the door, with my knees up i lean my elbows on my knees "i don't know" i sigh

Eddie sits down next to me, theres not enough room on the step so he sits on the ground. "Oh come on what did you do to him?" I look over at him offended "i didn't do anything to him, i simply accused your little game of tag to be childish is all" i sway a little in my seat.

Eddie hums "Whats wrong with being childish?" he scoffs. "I didn't say anything was wrong with it thats just what it was.. childish and he didn't have to get upset, thats his fault i'm not responsible for his feelings."

Eddie who's knees were once up to his chest are now laying flat down on the ground. "He's a sensitive child" after a few seconds we both laugh under our breaths.

Its quiet for a minute until he says "it just seems to me like someone doesn't know how to have any fun." he rools his head toward me.

I blow a puff of air out my nose "oh please" i tell Eddie "i know how to have fun" He shook his head at that "doesn't look like it"
  "whats that supposed to mean?" i lean closer to the left, where hes sat. "Im just saying everyone is out there and your sat here all by yourself." he gestures with his hand toward the open field "i don't know about you but creating deadly weapons doesn't  sound very fun to me"

"Well no but you can make it fun" he looks back at me now. His eyes are so dark you could get lost in them, and matter of fact i do for a little bit before i say "how do i do that?"

He hold up his shield, which is basically a trash can lid with nails poking through it "well my favorite thing is" He holds out his shield toward the field, i can see the shade from it cover his face. "Pretending to be a superhero" he finishes and put the shield back down on his lap.

"That's ridiculous" i laugh "superhero really?" he lays his head back on the wall of the trailer and smiles, then turns his face toward me. "You should try it sometime" He lifts his head and points to Dustin, he's sitting alone on the grass by a row of flowers, his head down playing with his own shield. "Start with that little guy, hes still young... hes still got time before the world shows him no one is a superhero. But he believes it now so"

"That was deep" i say to him and i watch him chuckle as i stand up. "Okay well" I lean over to Eddie, grab the shield from his lap and hold it out. "Im bout to show you that i can have fun." Eddie puts his hands up behind his head on the trailer wall "and that even girls can be superheroes" and i back away "you know it" he says.

I turn around and start running to Dustin with my shield in hand and i feel like Captain America.

𝐈 𝐃𝗼𝐧𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now