Chapter Five

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Im sitting in Eddies truck. Yes Eddie Munsons truck, im still freaked out by it myself but i will do anything at this point to get the drugs i need. I really hope they help me and i dont get another hallucination any time soon, especially right now as im sitting next to Eddie Munson... In his truck, as we drive to his trailer.

"So why do you need these drugs anyway" Eddies voice pulls me out of my trance. I look at him and i dont really know how to answer that question so i just stare at him. "You dont have to uh answer that if you dont want to im just a little confused as to why the Angela Cunninham, the leader of the cheerleader team, is in my truck right now as i drive back to my home to receive drugs." He looks over at me for a brief second. "Just seems odd" He speaks again.

I couldn't possibly tell him whats been going on with me he would definitely think im crazy, i have to make something up. "Do you ever feel like you're loosing your mind?" after i say that he dosnt look at me but i can see the confused look on his face and now i feel like i shouldn't have said anything. "Oh you know just on a daily basis" he looks at me fully this time and gives me another one of his smiles. Man i really love those smiles.

He continues what he was saying when he looks back to the road. "especially right now cause like i said i have Angela Cunningham in my truck on the way to get drugs its... a day i never thought would happen to be honest" he chuckles again. I dont want to say anymore so just stay silent.

I guess he got the point cause he doesn't say anything either, and i caught myself dazing off while i stared out the passenger window.

"Hey" i jolt awake to Eddie pushing my shoulder.
"we're here" he says
I must've fell asleep on the way over here, must be the lack of sleep from last night. I rub my eyes and open the passenger door and when i look up i didnt actually expect to see a trailer. I mean i knew he said he lived in a trailer but i expected it to be some kind of home because this cant be a home. I kind of feel bad. "You live here" i ask Eddie as he clips his car keys to his belt "yup me and my uncle got this thing half off" we stand there staring at for a few seconds "well after you" he guides me up the steps and opens the door for me as i reach the top.

Looking inside its exactly as i expected of two men living together, not clean but not too messy and it looks like they know where everything is without ever cleaning the place. "okay" eddie says "ill go find it just... make yourself at home i guess you can sit wherever"
"okay" i reply, im not trying to make much conversation.

Eddie runs off in the other rooms so i just stand where i am afraid to touch anything when i hear
oh no not again, i think
I look around trying to figure out where the sound is coming from
I run to the window and see the sky turned red, in fact everything looks different.
I run to the room Eddie was in because of course i cant be the only one seeing this, and surprisingly i would feel safer if hes with me. But when i open the door no one is there.

I run around looking through every room trying to find Eddie but he's nowhere. He couldnt have left me i thought. Scared of that thought i looked out the front window and yup his truck is still there.
What is happening to me?
Where's Eddie?
"Angela" i hear a voice say from behind me, im too scared to turn around i dont know that voice.
"Angela" it says again and i slowly turn around

The figure standing in front of me is not human. It has no nose and its skin seems to be burned and all of it is red, its fingers are long and gross and i swear im dreaming this is not real, im still asleep in Eddie truck im not here. I close my eyes tightly trying to get out of this dream but when i open them again the creature is still there.

"You're time to be with me has came" The creature repeats and i ran.
I run to the bathroom close the door and lock it, then i back up as close as i can get away from the door against the back wall and i cry.
Im going insane i just want to go home and sleep in my bed and tell myself none of this ever happened.

The door handle jiggles and i cry harder "please" i whisper "please" please dont kill me, please tell me this is all fake, its all a dream. Then the jiggling stops and i let out a sigh of relief.

I wipe my eyes to get rid of the tears but when i open them again the creature is right in front of me. I cry some more "who are you?" i cry "you'll know soon enough" and it puts its hand above my forehead and i start hovering above the ground.

Im crying and im doing everything i can to get out of his grasp but im helpless i dont know what's happening or where i am or whats coming next. "Just relax" the creature repeats.

Next thing i know im on the ground sitting on the floor where Eddie left me to go look around and hes sitting in front of me tears in his eyes shaking me rapidly.

I just keep crying because what just happened?

𝐈 𝐃𝗼𝐧𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now