Chapter Twenty Three

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We arrived at lovers lake. Basically if we thought correctly the gate should be somewhere under the water here.

"What's your big plan Steve?" Eddie asks and when he says that Steve looks back at him like he just killed someone. "Yea what's your plan Steve?" Says Dustin

Steve actually answers Dustin "well I guess we'll just have to search the whole lake and see if we find a gate." Robin interrupts "Are you kidding!" Steve looks to her "well you got a better plan Robin?!" He yells

Robin stays silent, and so does everyone else. We're all stood a few feet away from the edge of the water, "so you want us to swim out there?" I ask Steve "no i- look there's a boat over there" he points to an old canoe leaning against a tree

He starts to walk over to it and we follow, when we get to the canoe I notice a big hole in the side of it "there's a hole in it though" I mention. "Yea so" Steve says "it can still float"

"Eddie" he continues "make yourself useful and help me lift this" Eddie walks over to the far end of the canoe and Steve stays on the side closer to the water, Steve counts to three and then they lift. I watch as they carry the boat from the tall tree to the edge of the water, Eddie puts half of it in the water.

"Okay that should be good" Steve stands with his hands on his hips admiring the canoe in the water like a proud mom. "Are you crazy!" Dustin yells "there's only room for four of us in there!" Steve yells back to him "well there's nothing else to get us across the water so unless you tell us you have magical powers to turn us all into mermaids then this is all we got" Me and Robin both laugh at that response

"Mermaids?" Robin laughs "yea whatever just get in the boat" Steve motions for Robin and me to get on. Robin is the first in and Eddie goes right after her and then me, when I put one foot inside Eddie reaches his hand out for me to take helping me in. I take it and smile as a thank you.

When the three of us are settled Nancy hops in and the Steve after her, with five of us in here its already too much for this little boat to handle as I can see the water almost reaching the top of the canoe.

Dustin tries to jump in after but Steve stops him "woah are you trying to sink us?" Dustin puts his arms up like he's confused, Steve says again "you two stay on land and keep watch" he points to Dustin and Max.

"Here" he hands them a pair of binoculars
"Yea like this will keep us safe" Dustin says sarcastically
"Its not supposed to keep you safe, its to keep watch like I said" Steve says "also you got like twenty pounds of metal in your bag I'm sure you'll be fine"

Max chips in "are you sure its the right option to keep the youngest out her alone?"  And Steve says "if you can handle killing and fighting demodogs then you can handle this"

During this whole exchange Steve only had one foot in the canoe so after he said that last sentence he finally puts his other foot in the canoe and sits next to Nancy, not like he had a choice anyway. "Just go" he says to Eddie who has the oars and he doesn't move, but none of us do. I'm not sure any of us think leaving the little kids alone is a good idea.

"Can you hear I said go!" Steve yells and Eddie starts moving the oars back and forth so we move out into the middle of he lake. I see Dustin and Max get smaller and smaller as me move further out. "So what happens to them when we get down there" I ask the group and of course Steve replies "Angela why don't you just stop asking questions and look pretty alright?"

Why is he acting so mean to everyone all of a sudden?

"Steve stop being mean it was actually a good question" Robin says from next to me. Steve rubs his eyes and sighs "I don't know" he says "what do you mean you don't know?" Robin says and Steve screams "I said I don't know okay!" We all get quiet

𝐈 𝐃𝗼𝐧𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now