Chapter Fourteen

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Nancy has the gun in her hands. I couldn't tell you anything about it like the brand or anything. What i can say is that its long and it has one of those things in the back you put under your armpit.

Nancy is holding it up aiming at the wall of guns and shuts her one eye to get a good look. I keep silent as i watch her inspect it all over, like i said this is not my area of expertise.

"Yea this'll do" she says as she slams the gun on the counter. The cashier is not paying attention so Nancy raises her hand in the air right above her forehead and scrunches her fave in a do your job and help me way.

The cashier walks over to us and says "how can i help you ladies?" he sounds more energetic than the other guy who grabbed our gun from the back. "We'd like to buy this" Nancy speaks and i can see the guys eyes widen at that sentence, as if seeing girls buy a gun is odd to him.

He takes the gun and looks all around it, inspecting that we can use it and its not broken is my guess. "What are you pretty ladies doing with this thing?" he gestures to the gun and Nancy rolls her eyes "can you just ring us up please?" and the cashier hold his hands up in a defensive motion and points over to the register where we walk over to ring us up.

Theres a lot of people here especially in this section so we're practically pushing through people to get to the other side of the stand where the register is. Mostly men if you can believe it.

When we get there the cashier man is already typing in numbers on his screen and Nancy and I wait in anticipation. He packs the gun up in a wooden box and seals in shut, then he eyes us up and down again before saying "theres a place down the road where they teach you how to use one of these things if you're interested" Nancy scoffs at that and i roll my eyes, how dare this man accuse us of not knowing how to shoot a gun because we're girls.

Nancy takes the box from the stand and says to the man "no thanks i think we can handle it" and she walks away. I so badly want to say something, to defend myself but i know its not worth it right now, we have a job to do i cant mess it up by dealing with a misogynistic white man.

We start walking back to the door Nancy in front of me when i stop and look back at the whole place, i was trying to find everyone and make sure they are doing okay.

The first person i see when i look back is Eddie. Not any other person but Eddie, its like my eyes are trained to him.

I see him pick up a hammer and pretend to hit Steve with it, Dustin laughs hard at that and Steve takes the hammer away from him and i can see in the way his body moves from behind that hes yelling something at Steve, in a typical playful Eddie Munson way.

When he turns back around to grab another hammer he sees me. At first it was just the way his eyes moved in my direction but then he looked up completely and it felt like we were staring at each other for hours. We looked in each others eyes from across the store for what felt like forever.

"Angela!" Nancys yell cut me out of whatever that stare was. I look back at her and shes stood at the door "You coming?" she asks and i nod yes as i run towards her.

Its a push door so we push it open when i look back in to where i saw Eddie and i catch his eyes on me again, but when i look this time he looks away as soon as i see him and looks back at his hammer.

I walk out the door completely this time and walk through the parking lot to the trailer.

As soon as we are sat inside Nancy goes to the back by the couch where theres room and opens the box, pulls put the gun and lays it on the floor. Im sat at the table in the same seat i was in earlier during the drive here. I look back at Nancy and i ask "do you think we should've waited for them?"

Nancy facing backwards to me turns her head around to look at me and says "i'm sure they've got it handled, but if you want to go back in be my guest."

I look back around and face forward. When i speak again i say it loud enough so we both can hear but im speaking mostly to me "if they take too long im going back in."

We have a time limit, we cant risk anyone we know seeing us out here. They'd ask too many questions and we cant deal with them right now.

"They got like twenty minutes" Nancy says from behind me "If they're not out in eighteen you go in." and i reply "yea"

Ive been sitting in silence for what feels like days. Well ive been silent Nancy has been making noises with her new gun the whole time, sometimes it was a curse others it was the gun smacking off the floor. Sometimes it was so loud i had to look back to see if she was okay but she always was.

I check my phone for the first time this whole trip and i have ten missed calls from my mom and messages from Rose and George. I open the messages and Rose sent me just a bunch of where are you? and answer me!!!" texts, Where George sent me a few paragraphs on how my mom is really worried because im not answering.

I know as soon as i get home after whatever this is my mom is going to be pissed. I have a lot of explaining to do but for now i just text George tell my mom i went out with a few friends from cheer, she'll understand
I hope.

When i put my phone down Nancy stands back up and walks to her usual seat in the front. "What time is it" she asks me without looking back from her seat in front of me.

I tap my phone to see the time "8:00" i tell Nancy and i say "should i go in there they've been taking quite a long time?"

Nancy turns her head to look at me, shes got the box with the gunn in her lap and her arms crossed on her chest. "They got three more minutes i think we can wait." she says

I stand up and walk to the door, theres a small window on the top of it with an even smaller curtain on top, so i slide the curtain to the side so i can see out towards the store and i dont see them. "I dont know they're taking a really long time" i close the curtain and sit back down in my seat.

"Relax they'll be fine" Nancy says and i start tapping my foot against the floor. Im sure they're fine but a part of me can't help but worry.

At that thought suddenly the door slams open and the whole gang piles in one by one. Steve gets in the front door and they are all laughing.

"Whats so funny?" Nancy asks

Dustin responds from the back couch "oh nothing" Steve scoffs and we drive away.

Im trying to decide if i want to kill Eddie at the end of this or no?

𝐈 𝐃𝗼𝐧𝐭 𝐋𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐓𝐡𝐢𝐬 | Eddie MunsonWhere stories live. Discover now