Chapter Thirty One

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I apologize in advance

Meanwhile back in Victor Creels house Robin is getting ready to light her can of explosives on fire. When she does that and throws it at Vecna he should die... They think, he definitely should.

Steve lights the can on fire and Robin throws it, Vecna immediately breaks into flames. Vecna was stuck in the smoke in the snowball and he is now awake bursting into flames.

He sees Robin and he reaches for her hoping to bring her with him. But he misses, Steve lifts another can on fire and hands in to Robin who throws it again hitting Vecna in the stomach catching him even more on fire. Vecna falls back on his heels walking backwards loosing his balance.

After a few more throws of explosives Vecna still lives so Nancy grabs her gun and starts shooting the monster. Sending him back Nancy keeps shooting until Vecna falls through the window.

Nancy, Robin and Steve celebrate because they killed him... Or so they think. They don't know for sure but Nancy runs to the window "he's gone" she says and Steve and Robin run to the window Nancy is looking out of, the one Vecna just fell out of "how?" Steve asks and Nancy just looks at him.

Vecna is dead but Dustin not knowing feels he needs to help his friend. He took away his entry in but only the safe way, he jumps down the hole into the upside down landing on his leg "agghhhh" he screams in pain but that can't stop him. He stands and though he has to limp he makes his way outside hoping to find Eddie.

"Eddie?!" He screams as he searches, Dustin hasn't seen any bats and so he thought Eddie was safe, he thought he got them away but little did he know all the bats are dead because their leader has fallen. "Eddie?!" He screams again hoping he will hear him.

But Dustin limping his way down the street suddenly sees a figure, an outline of person laying on the ground and he hopes it is not Eddie but as he makes his way closer he sees the hellfire shirt on his chest and the leather jacket around his arms.

Dustin runs now, speeding up even though his leg hurts. He runs up to the body and kneels down next to it "Eddie" he cries

Eddie tried to fight, and at first he did really well but the creatures got the best of him. The problem was Eddie was under equipped, he didn't nearly have enough weapons to take down all of the bats let alone people. It wasn't his fault, anyone under that situation would've ended up like he did if they were alone.

Eddie smiles through blood stained teeth at Dustin, the bats got him good they tore a few several layers of skin some in parts of the muscle and in his neck. He's bleeding profusely and without a doctor he will bleed out. "Eddie come one we have to get you to a doctor"
"Okay" he replies
Dustin reaches under him in an effort to move him from this spot so he can get the help he needs.
The pain is too severe for Eddie "stop" Dustin stops moving him "let me just rest for a bit" Eddie says

Dustin doesn't know what else to do, he can't just let him die but he can't move him, he can't leave him there but there's nowhere else to go.

Eddie smiles at Dustin again through the blood entering his mouth "I didn't run this time right?" He asks with tears entering his eyes
Dustin still holding him says "no you didn't run"
"I was the superhero Henderson.. I didn't have to pretend"
Dustin is trying his hardest not to cry but he can't help it "you were Eddie" he says and Eddie coughs

"Your gonna have to watch those little sheep for me alright" Eddie says referring to the other members of the hellfire club "no you're gonna do that yourself" Dustin cries
"No I'm not" Eddie struggles to breath "because I'm gonna graduate" he smiles but its hard cause his body is so cold, he's shaking.

"I think its my year" he takes deep breaths "I think its finally my year" Eddie says and Dustin smiles at him but he's not happy at all.

Eddie knows he's not gonna make it so he needs Dustin to know one thing "I love you man" he tries to sound as cheerful as possible and Dustin says "I love you too" but he's crying

"Tell Angela I love her" he says through the blood stained teeth. He planned on telling her, but it wasn't the right time. The truth was Eddie had a crush on Angela since middle school, he never said anything though because he thought there was never a chance. The freak and the cheerleader, it could never happen.

But it did, and since then Eddie was filled with this sense that anything can happen, and things that seem impossible are not. That's why he did what he did, not because he was protecting Dustin even though that was part of the reason. He did it because he thought that if he can get the girl he thought was impossible to get, then he can fight the creatures its impossible to beat. It may not have worked but he doesn't regret a thing, he finally proved himself. He's not just the metalhead that sells drugs, he's the hero that saved Hawkins.

Not entirely true of course but he definitely did save some lives.

Dustin says through tears "I will I promise" and Eddie says "don't forget me okay" he's crying because he knows he's dying but he's trying to be strong for Dustin who's crying even more than he is.

Dustin says "never" and then he feels the life of Eddie slip away from him. Eddie takes his last breath and then hes gone. Dustin cries hard and long holding Eddie lifeless body in his arms, and he knows he will never let anyone forget the name Eddie Munson.

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