Chapter 6

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The very last day of school. It seemed like forever I was waiting to get this over with- and yet- it felt nothing like I thought it would. Thunder rumbled overhead as I made my way to the school entrance. That's what happens when you ditch all your friends at the last possible second, I suppose. I slipped my headphones on, hoping to slide through the day seamlessly. I knew it was a lot to ask, but aside from about maybe 3 people tops, I was not overjoyed to be in the company of Hawkins High.

I felt an arm sling around my shoulders, my peace already splintered. I took my headphones off, cheeks red, meeting Eddie's eye through the corner of my own.

"Munson," I greeted icily.

"Milo," He returned.

"You really left me hanging, you know that?" I grumbled.

"Was it really bad?" He asked, only a little bit guilty.

"Let's just say you and I aren't hanging out for a few weeks outside of school, because I will be living in my room for the foreseeable future." I snipped, ducking out from under his arm to open the front door. He beat me to it, though, scrambling to open it for me. He gestured me forward with a sheepish grin.

I pushed through the doorway quickly, meeting a bustling hallway. I wrapped my headphones up, giving up on the idea entirely. I stuffed them back into my backpack right in time for Eddie to replace his arm. I swatted it away, turning to him with arms folded.

"Listen, I like you." I admit, rushing it out before I can think too hard about it.

A huge grin overtook his expression. "I like you-"

"But, you've gotta have my back." I grumble, focusing on the toes of my boots. "I like you, but it's not gonna be easy with my parents, and I don't care what she thinks, but I don't- I can't do it alone- and I doubt she'll be impressed if you don't hold your ground-"

"Hey, I get it." He soothed, expression earnest, taking both my arms in his hands. "No more fleeing during combat. I'm sorry. I guess I let my fight or flight get the best of me."

I traverse his expression for a second, coming away satisfied with his sincerity. I shrug. "It's okay. It's probably for the better, she went on for, like, an hour."

He gives a weak chuckle, wiping his palms on his shredded pants. After a few awkward seconds I shoot forward to give him a hug. He seemed surprised at first, but then his arms wrapped around me tightly, hands squeezing my shoulders. I felt his hair tickle my nose, and his cheek rest on the top of my head. I pull back as quickly as I initiated it, scrambling around in my bag for a few seconds, before victoriously pulling out a pen.

"Can I see your hand?" I ask for permission.

"Already asking for my hand?" He teased, scrunching his face up to mine.

"Don't flatter yourself, Munson." I giggle.

I quickly write down my number, then look at my watch.

"Shit- I've gotta go." I flip in place.


As soon as I turn back to face him, my cheek is bombarded with the biggest, sloppiest kiss, and then he's gone. My face is beet red as I escape the hallway, hand on my cheek. I catch a few lingering stares as I pass, and I know within a few hours Rowan will be on my ass. But honestly, I don't even care. Because the butterflies overwhelming my stomach tickle a giggle out of me. I'm stupid happy.

I hate being right, sometimes. At lunch, the main table was buzzing. I tried to ignore it, listening to Eddie parade around the cafeteria. He was especially passionate today, with the topics mainly blanketed under graduation. It was interesting to hear him talk about the life choices I narrowly evaded. How high school was coming to an end, and yet everyone clung to it. Their glory days, their inner circles. Eventually he got off of his podium and settled down, treating himself to some pudding. I watched him admiringly, head propped onto my fisted hand. I was quickly becoming whipped. I needed to snap out of it.

His hand grazed my knee beneath the table, resting right on the edge of it. His eyes flickered towards mine, no hint of any emotion, looking for a reaction. I only rested my hand on top of his, watching his cheeks pull up in satisfaction.

"It's gonna be a good summer." He declared, kicking his feet up to rest on another seat. "I can feel it."

At about the halfway mark we were poking fun at Jeff for something when I felt an aggressive tap on my shoulder. I turned to find Rowan, lips pressed together in absolute fury. I sighed, rising from my seat.

"I'll be back," I promise, trudging begrudgingly back to Steve's table of two. "Let me guess. They didn't want you back?"

Rowan stopped in her tracks, bursting into rage. "Of course not! My status has dropped to best friend of Eddie Munson's girlfriend!"

"Woah- we aren't official yet, keep it down," I growl, taking up her hand and stomping her to the table.

She jerked her hand away. "Keep it down? Keep it down? Why don't you two quit sucking face in the hallway!"

"He kissed my cheek!" I defended, exasperation overtaking my demeanor. "And it's none of your business!"

"So it's true!" She laughed, no humor behind it. "You just had to stay normal for one more day- one more day! I know that's always been hard for you, but-"

"What's that supposed to mean?" I stood, completely outraged. "Who's been bugging the shit out of me every day this past week? Who can't get any friends without my help?"

Steve, having been sitting quietly unimposing and wide eyed this whole time, took this moment to creep away with his meal.

Her lip shook. "Don't you dare."

"What? It's just the truth. You're annoying, Rowan. You're clingy, and dramatic." I snap, swiping up my food.

"Shut up!" She blubbered.

"What, Rowan? Are you afraid of the truth?" I sneer.

"Shut up!"

"Maybe you should have thought about that before you dished it out." I grumbled. "I'm out of here."

"Your boyfriend's a piece of shit." She spat, tears flooding her cheeks. "And I hope you both have fun living in some trailer together some day."

I scoff in disgust, finding it hard to believe she had the capacity to say this crap. "I hope you have a great life drowning in your prejudice."

I dump my food in the trash, storming out of the cafeteria.

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