Chapter 13

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If I were on the run for murder, where would I be?

The question sounded easier than it was. It offered the illusion of Eddie not only staying in just Hawkins, but also didn't account for the fact that he could be constantly moving. But would he be? I didn't know Eddie to run, not really. He really dug his heels in when he had to- quite literally. My mind drifted off to the chase at my mother's house, and I gave a shiver. I would be dead. That's it. If he didn't save me, I would have died there, right beside my mother, never to be seen again.

So, if I were running from the law, where would be the safest place in Hawkins that I could lay low? Abandoned buildings were my first thought- but that was obvious to police, too, so the old mill was out of the question. I wondered if my house, vacant, were a choice. But I'm sure someone had been going in and out recently, my father finally having the energy to deal with getting it back on the market. If someone were coming and going, Eddie wouldn't risk it. So, that really narrowed it. Maybe he was staying with someone? Someone who knew how to lay low.

My head returned to the time we spent together in his trailer- that week neither of us were acting normally, and he was going out quite a bit. That's when it hit me. He was friends with a dealer, and he was smoking like a madman that week. I went with him exactly once, on the way to an interview. The interview, actually- the one I actually aced. It was a boathouse, by the lake. I had to bike to the mall afterwards, Eddie wobbling all over the place, and thinking it was funny. It kind of was, looking back.

I'm not entirely sure how to get there from my current position, but lucky for me, a map of Hawkins was supplied to every vacationer staying at the hotel. I trail my finger down the columns carefully. If I followed the road surrounding the lake, I would definitely find the house eventually. It wasn't that large a lake, either- more of a neighborhood addition than a longstanding landmark.

I wrap my map up, stuff it into my pocket, grab a water bottle and my wallet- then I'm off. It takes a mixture of bus rides, long brisk walks and quick sprints to get to an area near the lake. It's then that I begin jogging, trying to come off as just that- someone concerned with my exercise and not someone searching for a wanted criminal. The sky began to become a little muted, and I couldn't tell if it were because it was about to storm or if it were turning dark. A familiar building came into view, and I let out a sigh of relief. Mentally I patted myself on the back- damn, I was good.

I ran a little past the house out of caution, running in between two others and sneaking through backyards until I came upon my target. I straightened up, slamming a fist on the back door, my eyes scanning my peripheral surroundings. When no one answered, I realized I hadn't accounted for this possibility. I pressed my ear to the door, trying to capture any internal movement at all. I heard some shuffling, barely audible, way off in the house.

I slammed on it again. "I know you're in there!"

I jiggled the door handle, and to my complete and utter shock, it opened right up. Was this guy for real? Was I walking into something I wasn't prepared to defend myself in? I scanned the back porch, quickly scooping up a lone shovel. I brought it to rest on my shoulder like a bat, pressing the door open slowly. When there's no immediate attack, I kick the door shut behind me, keeping my eyes leveled on my surroundings. I'm not about to scout this whole damn house- my heart could not take that.

"Um- hello?" I call. No response. "Eddie?"

Somehow I hope my voice alone could have drawn him out, but no such luck. Maybe I hadn't gotten the right place. I nudge a bag of chips out of my way, noting the dust littering the floor. No one had been here for a very long time. Then, I realize- the chips have no dust coating their packaging.

"Eddie?" I try again, maneuvering into the living room space. "I-I'm here to help,"

I could have sworn I heard something like a breath, but the more I looked around, the more I grew unsure. The sickeningly scary feeling of being watched made the hair on my neck stand on end. It suddenly reoccurred to me that I was, in fact, trespassing.

"Eddie, I- it's Milo," I tried, voice quavering.

The air remains still for a long while, but then I hear something shift behind me. Having shoved himself into the couch cushions as far as he could, blanket covering the parts that didn't fit. I would never have guessed there was a person hiding in there, realizing just how poorly I'd considered this whole thing. Dad was not hearing about this.

Head pulling free last, the cushion man shook out their mane- and it was an even shaggier, unkempt looking Eddie. Eddie. Had we not been in a weaponized stalemate, I would have crumbled at the sight of him. His eyes were watery, and he held a kitchen knife in his hand, looking a lot like someone who could have committed a cult, ritualistic murder right now. I shook the thought. I was threatening him, holding up my stupid shovel. For only a second I felt hesitation, and then I dropped the shovel behind me, emptied my pockets, and raised my hands. He puffed out a wheezy breath, more tears flowing down his cheeks. I gulped.

"I can't believe you're back," He murmured.

He tossed his knife away, his arms tucking around my body in an urgent hug. "You left me,"

I could feel the hot, sloppy tears coat my neck. My heart broke. I wrapped my arms around him tight, holding his head securely. He smelled like he used to, hair product replaced with must. His hands felt like they used to, more rings adorning them and gripping tightly into my back. He may have been a bit taller- or maybe he had a new affinity for tall-soled shoes.

"I'm so sorry," Is all I can say. He knew I would leave, he agreed that it was a good idea- I had no clue it would hurt him like this.

"Please," he blubbered fervently, fingers gripping tighter. "Don't leave me again."

"I won't," I promise, blinking to clear my vision. "I'm here."

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