Chapter 24

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A detailed plan had been mulled over for hours after we evacuated the Warzone, and I spent the time fitting everyone's jackets to them securely and watching Eddie roughhouse with Dustin. I just wanted to admire him, doing his thing.

Now, clad in battle gear and ridiculous-looking camo, it was time to step into the upside down. Or fall into the upside-down, more like it. We took turns falling in succession, with Steve very impressively making a super-hero landing. Nancy and Robin made fun of him a bit, and I scoffed, trying to seem as unimpressed as they were. I peaked at Eddie to see if it worked; he only gave me a dull stare.

Eddie had defensive weapon, a shield with nails through the lid, and I had a machete and a slingshot and some bang-snaps, which I had decided was obviously the perfect decoy weapon for the decoys. Dutsin was hot on our tails as we left Eddie's trailer, hopefully not for the last time.

"Hey," Steve suddenly halted, turning to our little group, "Guys, listen."

"Oh, god, he thinks we're gonna die." I mumbled quietly.

Dustin's hand tightened around his spear, and he swallowed hard.

"If things here start to go south, I mean, at all," He gave Eddie a pointed look for some reason, that I didn't miss. "You abort."

I nodded in understanding. Eddie looked back silently. I wondered if they were having a secret conversation between each other, through their eyes or something. I also wondered if that's what spurred Steve to draw out his rambling. He continued for some while.

"Okay?" Steve asked, and again, I nodded. "You guys are just-"

"Decoys," Dustin finished, annoyed. "Don't worry, you can be the hero, Steve."

Eddie looked between the three of us, and finally nodded. "Absolutely, I mean, look at us. We are not heroes."

I released a small nervous laugh, but something felt wrong.

Steve turned to leave, but Eddie stopped him. "Hey Steve?"

Steve turned back, waiting.

"Make him fucking pay. For Milo," He squeezed my hand, "For Chrissy. For everyone."

Steve and I both took in that request cautiously, and though his gaze eventually shifted away, mine was nowhere near finished. As Steve, Nancy and Robin moved to leave, I never let my gaze waver.

"Eddie, you're gonna make the right decisions tonight, right?" I asked softly.

Dustin's expression became concerned, "What, what's she mean?"

Eddie looked between us seriously before cracking a smile. He slapped us both on the back. "What, you think I'm gonna run?"

"No, I-"

"I'll be sure everyone's safe, Milo. That you're safe." He returned serious. "I'm gonna be the best damn decoy you've ever seen."

He pumped the fist holding the nail-shield, gearing up for battle. Dustin and I exchanged glances.

"If he starts doing anything shady, you tell me, stat." I warned him quietly. "I'm really worried about him."

"Yeah, yeah, you too." Dustin agreed. "He can't go ape-shit on us now, we're almost done with all this."

"One last night." I nod.

"One last night," He agreed with me.

"Hey, nerds, you two done gabbing? I found a way up," Eddie called over, aggressively kicking over a couple pallets and flipping the hair out of his eyes. A ladder connecting to the top of the RV was revealed.

After about 20 minutes we had the whole RV secured, plugging up every exterior entrance with scrap metal from around the yard. We grabbed his guitar and setup form the inside, and he greeted her as warmly as he always did- with enough underlying erotic passion to make me superbly jealous.

We plugged everything in atop the RV, and all there was left to do was wait for the signal.

"And now," I hummed, kicking my legs against the top of the RV, "We wait."

Eddie took a seat beside me, and Dustin beside him. We looked beyond the darkened forest and into the red night, thunder clapping rhythmically from the alienesque clouds.

"I used to do this as a kiddo." Eddie shared.

Dustin and I looked to him, urging him to continue.

"When it was a particularly bad day at school, and ass-wipes had gotten me down- or my old man skipped out on visitation again," He explained, eyes glossing, "I would crawl up here and sit out on the side, watch the sky change from day to night. And just imagine."

"Imagine what?" Dustin asked.

"Okay the lovebirds have copied, Max is moving into phase two; distracting Vecna." Interrupted Erica.

Dustin pulled the walkie talkie to his face sharply. "Copy."

He then raised his eyebrows, gesturing for Eddie to continue.

"Oh, anything, man." Eddie shrugged.

I fitted my head into the crook of my hand, watching him warmly.

"Better days, better nights, new campaigns, better girls," He peaked at me during that last one, smiling gently, "Just anything better than what the day brought me before."

He shifted to stand up. "And you know what?"

Dustin followed, standing and urging him to continue with a drawn out stare.

"I got it all." Eddie whispered, tilting the guitar strap over his head. "I got all of it. Even though the other students- media, even- wanna peg me as demonic. I got better days, nights, met new people and slaughtered DnD campaigns. I even got the girl, and she's right here with me. Stranded in hell."

I slipped my hand into his, giving it a tight squeeze. He smiled warmly.

"There's no one else I'd rather be stuck in here with than with you two." Eddie squeezed my hand back, and punched Dustin on the shoulder.

I grabbed at Dustin's back, pulling Eddie in, too, into a forcible group hug.

"Aw, come on, don't make it weird," Eddie complained, squirming around.

"Decoys group hug," I cooed, gripping onto Dustin tighter while he attempted to wriggle away.

"She's in. Move on to phase three." Robin came through static.

"Okay, seriously time to let go," Eddie rushed, ducking under my already retreating arm.

"Copy that, initiating phase three." Dustin rushed into the walkie talkie. I maneuvered to the amp.

"Let's hope they hear this." Dustin gulped.

I connected it, loud feedback making our ears ring.

"Here we go," I whispered.

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