Chapter 25

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As soon as I heard the first note, I knew what he'd chosen. The new Metallica album had just come out a few weeks earlier, and yet somehow I wasn't surprised by the fact he'd learned the entirety of Master of Puppets. I couldn't wait to tell him how I listened to it the day it came out because of him- but for now I just enjoyed how amazing he was. Like, holy shit, he was an amazing guitarist. He looked like he was made for it, shredding away on his most prized possession.

Dustin and I both couldn't contain ourselves, headbanging with every successful beat. My heart raced as I realized this was the coolest and most dangerous thing I would ever attempt. I released an incredulous laugh, adrenaline pumping as I noticed bats swarming on the horizon.

"Holy shit," I stuttered, "It's- it's working."

Dustin began to count down, "Eddie! We gotta lockdown in T-Minus 30 seconds!"

Eddie affirmed, then broke into the single best guitar solo I'd ever heard in my life. I swallowed, standing to meet the demo-bats head-on if I had to, machete in one hand and the other balled up tight. I mentally prepared myself, toughened myself up. This would be the last damn time I dealt with any of this psycho upside-downsy bullshit, and then Eddie would graduate, and we could get the hell out of here. Dustin continued counting down, until there was exactly about five seconds between the claws of the demo-bats and our fleshy underbellies. Eddie finished his solo precisely on time, and we all hopped from the roof straight onto his abandoned pickup truck, Dustin urging us to go faster the entire time.

"Eddie, come on. Move! Shit, shit!" He sputtered.

Eddie was also urging Dustin and I to go just a bit faster, "Go, go, go, go, go-"

"Shut the door, Eddie!" I grunted, pulling myself by various objects to go faster through the makeshift cage we'd set up outside of the RV.

It slammed behind us, demobats surrounding the whole vehicle. He shut the RV door, and we all leant on it in sync, panting.

"Dude," A very raspy Dustin called.

"Oh my- Oh my god-" Eddie responded, still fighting to catch up his breathing.

"Most. Metal. Ever." Dustin praised, he Eddie and I jumping up and down and yelling in exhaustion and sheer excitement, completely shocked at how perfect that went.

I pumped a fist in the air as we all whooped, pulling them in for a group hug.

"Now this is the right time for a group hug!" Dustin praised, all of us wriggling in excitement, squeezing each other tight.

"Okay, okay," Eddie finally said eventually, shoving away and gearing up, "Focus time."

"One wrong move here and we could end up like old Steve-O," I nodded, shaking out my excitement. I flapped my arms and jogged in place, trying to get all the adrenaline to work in my favor.

"What, badass and swimming in feminine attention?" Dustin hummed.

Eddie pushed Dustin's face away with his hand. "I have never received that title from you and quite frankly, I'm offended."

"Talk to me after this fight and you'll be a quarter of the way there," Dustin defended.

"I think you're pretty badass," I murmured, fitting myself into their little back-to-back position and drawing out my machete.

"Oh come on, you have to-" Dustin began but Eddie raised his eyebrows.

"No, no, let the lady speak."

"I take it back, you're an asshat." I squint.

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