Chapter 7

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Summer began about a week ago. I was still confined to my room, and I'd seen Eddie maybe once since the last day of school. I wasn't sure, though. There were a few fuzzy-haired boys attending the grad ceremony, so I couldn't be sure that it was him that I spotted in the bleachers. He didn't approach after, and the only person I spoke to was Steve, who I then gave an awkward, crisp high five as congratulations.

I also had not received any calls, despite having explicitly written my home number on his skin. It was a bit embarrassing how often I wondered whether I included a wrong number- I was a bit embarrassing in general right now. I was an 18 year old cellmate, holed up by my overbearing mother and ignored by my negligent father. I had just graduated, and yet I was grounded like a freshman caught with booze. My radio was permanently set on the rock station, a pitiful indulgence of mine ever since I'd been introduced. The Starcourt Mall advertisement was playing for the 200th time, reminding me what everyone else was experiencing in my isolation. I let out a sigh, cuddling into my knees as I tried, and failed, again, to read a paragraph in my book.

At first, I thought I was hearing audio hallucinations. But the third time I heard the thumping on the side of the house, I decided it was maybe something I should look into. I got up and crept to my alcove window, only to find the boy I'd been thinking of hanging from the side of it. Gasping, I threw the window open.

"Oh my god, oh my god-" I panicked.

"Hey, Milo." Eddie strained.

"What are you doing?" I scolded, rummaging around my room for something to help him up.

"Oh, you know," He panted, "Hanging out."

I eventually decided on a sheet set that was barely long enough to reach, tying it around one of my cabinet legs. He wasted no time in clambering onto the makeshift rope, but I could tell his steam was running out, so I began to pull him up as best as I could. The fall wasn't that bad, but there was a painful collection of shrubs beneath him that I really didn't want to have to dissect from his abdomen later. I continued to yank, until one hand seized the window sill, and his other reached up for mine. I grabbed at him, and with enough force to trigger an aneurysm, dragged him into my room.

Huffing, I laid back on the floor, heart slamming against my chest. He splayed out across the alcove bench, recovering in gasps. Then, out of nowhere, he began to cackle into the fabric of the seat. I sat up on my elbows, still wheezing, and shot him a glare.

"I know you're not laughing right now." I chided.

He only laughed harder, gripping at his partially exposed stomach.

"Well," I sat back, staring up at the ceiling, "I'm glad you can get some enjoyment out of giving me an anxiety attack."

He let out a few more chuckles, then groaned quietly. "Your parents really don't want guys to be able to climb into your room."

"Yeah, they've put a lot of effort into keeping the ruffians out. I don't think they accounted for your tenacity, though." I snort, crawling over to sit next to him.

He smiles as I enter his field of vision, just making elongated eye contact with me. I'm caught in it at first, but soon enough I give an awkward cough, scooting to create a little space between us.

"Why haven't you called?" I ask nonchalantly, picking at my nails.

"I'm so sorry." He gushes, flipping around to sit on the seat upright. "After you left I went to the bathroom to get in a smoke before another long ass day, and when I left I washed my hands and all I could make out was a 4-"

I ease up, having felt really silly for not thinking that could have been the reason. "There's not a 4 in my number."

He looked puzzled. "Well, glad I didn't try to call it."

I can't hold in my snort at the dumb joke. "So... did you hear everything, in the cafeteria that day?"

He sighed, trying to sound positive nonetheless. "Yeah, but it's alright. Like I said, Eddie Munson, disappointment, 3 time senior, now, trailer park trash."

"Don't even repeat that," I hiss, grabbing his hand up fervently. "It's not true."

"Hey, man, it's pretty shit, but I'm totally used to it. At least you stuck up for me back there." He offered, staring at our hands. His thumb lightly skimmed back and forth over the back of my hand.

"Of course." I whisper, chewing on my lip till I can taste blood. I keck at the taste, releasing a sigh.

"So, what's on the agenda tonight?" He stands with flourish, wandering over to my bed and taking up my magazine.

I scramble to snatch it out of his hands. "Hey- gimme that-"

"Does He Like You or Does He Like the Idea of You? A Just Seventeen quiz, well this is sure to answer all the questions you've ever had." He teases, holding it out of my reach. "You think my eyes are dreamy?"

I wrestle against him. "Eddie I swear to god-"

"Fine, fine-" He gave in, suddenly tossing the magazine back onto my bed. Immediately after he pulled me closer by my waist, my breath hitching in my throat. His fanned over my cheeks, as he whispered, "I think your eyes are pretty nice, too, Milo."

I don't know what I expected next, but I did not expect him to let me go. I may or may not have been leaning in for a kiss, completely disoriented by how quick and sporadic he moved. He chuckled as he tucked his hands into his jacket.

"I think you've been in here too long." He decided.

"Well, yeah, but I can't just leave." I said, 'duh' dripping from my tone.

"Oh, you can't?" He challenged, nodding towards the window. I moved to meet him, curiously.

On the street sat a bike, chained and studded and ready for action.

"We could be at the mall in ten minutes." He sang, bumping the side of my hip with his. Something spiky jabbed me with the action.

"Come on, Moore, do something impulsive." He begged. "It'll be great, they won't even know you were gone."

"I mean, I am 18." I reason, toying with a piece of hair carefully. "I can't technically get you in trouble, and it's been a long week."

"Sooo?" He dances, crouching down to my level.

He flutters the "dreamy" eyes at me, and I break.

"Oh my god, fine, just stop with the eyes. I know what you're doing." I laugh, pushing him away.

"Yes!" He pumps a fist, "You are gonna have the best night of your life, Moore."

"I better," I tease.

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