Chapter 12

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"So lemme get this straight," Eddie breathed, nose flaring with frustration.

"Okay" I nodded, waiting.

"The Mind Flayer," He used air quotes around the words Mind Flayer, "a super sick DnD boss villain, has invaded our world from his own dimension, creating a horde of zombies-"

"-Flayed." I corrected.

"Same thing!" He screams in a rasp. "A horde of 'Flayed', including your mom, which he absorbs-"

"It's a lot to process," I admit, desperately searching his eyes. "I don't even understand it yet. But please, you have to know- talking to us out front, running, saving my ass- you're now as big a part of this and in as much danger as any of us."

He pressed his palms to his forward, muttering expletives. His voice became quieter and quieter until he sat still, before wiping his hands down his face in exasperation.

"Do we have weapons?" He asked.

I blinked, not having thought of that yet.. "Actually, yes."

The Russians that were chasing us down, now very very dead, were in possession of several varieties of  guns. Eddie made a retching sound at seeing the dead bodies. I hadn't had the pleasure of acknowledging them yet, but upon seeing them myself, I felt a similar sentiment.

"I've only had to search a body in DnD, Milo." Eddie admitted, letting out a deep breath. 

"Yeah, same." I breathe.

His expression froze, and he raised an eyebrow as he turned to me. "You play DnD?"

There was an otherworldly screech from above, and I don't have time to answer that question. The glass ceiling shatters, and from the glass rises a gigantic, fleshy, spider-like creature. I couldn't find where the eyes were, but I found the mouth, with thousands of teeth in at least three layers, screeching. Beside me, Eddie screamed back, like I've never heard someone scream before. My stomach dropped, and I gripped his arm. He grabbed mine just as hard.

We shuffled to grab our weapons of choice, hurdling over a counter before it could get its bearings. I was nearly holding my breath as it began to spin slowly in place, searching for some kind of indication of life. I was in so much pain, so tired, so frightened- I couldn't make myself move if I wanted to. Then I felt something touch my hand. Eddie gave a squeeze, and I peaked over to see him, eyes shut, straining to keep quiet. I squeezed back.

I had gotten him into this. He had no reason to be in the middle of this except because of my involvement. I thought back to when I approached his table, and when I called out to him in front of my house. Two times I chose to involve him with me.  Two choices, putting him in danger beside me. And now, while being here was entirely accidental, and he would have been picking me up at the end of the night anyway, I still felt like I had gotten him here- to this point in time. It was entirely my fault.

There was a soft chittering in the distance from the monster, and then a sharp pop. The monster screeched, limbs fumbling around, shaking the entire building. Assuming it was preoccupied, I dragged a very zoned out Eddie through the employee door by the arm, maneuvering the hallway to get as far away as possible.

We stayed there for quite a while, hiding out. I didn't look at him for a long while, sniffling quietly. We both mainly stayed silent, scared of notifying the monster of our whereabouts. I tried, as quietly as I could, to speak.

"We've gotta get out of here." I whispered, voice breaking.

"Yeah," Eddie whispered back in annoyance, "But unless you can tell me Billy the Bitch or that flesh spider isn't gonna be waiting for us, I like our hiding spot-"

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