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"No, dweebus, that's where you get it wrong. As a dungeon master, I think I have a firm first say-"

"No, you were almost eaten alive and compromised our whole campaign. I'm just saying, maybe Dustin should be dungeon master."

"Woah, woah- don't get me involved in this, this is not gonna be pretty."

"It's my campaign, Wheeler!"

"We thought you were dead for like five minutes!"

"Wait, did her eyes just move?"

"Oh my god, her eyes just moved-"

I groaned, three annoying voices competing in my head over each other. When I opened my eyes I could hardly make out anything they were so blurry, but after blinking a couple of times and wiping them clean, I found myself surrounded in sterile, white sheets. There were too many pairs of eyes gawking at me to count, and I slowly found my way to the voice I'd heard on my left. Eddie was laying beside me in his own bed, watching me, almost holding his breath.

"My legs hurt so damn bad," I slurred.

"Call the nurse!" Lucas ordered

"Um- I- yeah." Max bolted out, returning with an assembly of medical personnel.

"Woah- okay- what's going on here?" I asked groggily. I began getting prodded at every angle.

"You were out for a couple days," Steve responded, smiling in relief.

"Hey, sleeping beauty." Eddie called gently.

I turned to him slowly.

"We're not dead." I said bluntly, looking at my hands in surprise.

"Despite his best efforts," Dustin mumbled, receiving a pointed glare.

"That's thanks to you, Moore." Eddie smiled, choosing to ignore Dustin's bitterness.

"What do you mean?" I mumbled.

"Your dad picked us up," Eddie nodded his head towards the door.

I hadn't noticed until that second, but upon seeing my dad, I felt a few tears trickle down my face. He pushed through the mass of teens to hug me.

"If you hadn't gotten to Eddie when you did, his blood loss would have been too severe. We thought yours might have been, but your dad- he uh- knows some people." Dustin said stoically, giving my dad a careful grin.

"Is everyone okay?" I asked, and Nancy nodded from her side of the room.

"We all made it. And Max-" Nancy began, but Max gave her a sharp look.

Nancy coughed a tiny bit. "Well, maybe she'll tell you later. Herself. Sorry."

Max sighed. "No, it's fine- I just- when you said your mom protected you?"

I nodded, knowing I'd have to explain to my very confused dad.

"I gave Lucas Billy's favorite cassette. I think he saved me in there- not to mention your friend intervening with Jason, or I don't know how Lucas would have turned on the tape-"

"What friend?" I scrunched my brow.

"Rowan." Lucas responded. "She totally turned on Jason, she helped me get Max out safe- she's advocating for you and Eddie, and honestly, I think everyone believes her."

"Rowan," I breathed in disbelief.

"But Billy," Max continued, quietly. "I- I think he'd been stuck in there, for a while. Under Vecna's control. I think you gave me the tools to set him free."

Innocent | Eddie Munson x OCWhere stories live. Discover now